Saturday, January 31, 2009

Alli goes digi???

Ok, so I did it...I made my first semi hybrid card...well kind off. I didn't add all the extras to it but I did create layers, build the card, print it and cut it out and mount it on cardstock. Believe it or not even though I have created stamps and scrapbook paper the thought of creating a digi/hybrid card or scrapbook layouts actually intimidated me. So once I got started it was SO fun. I can see how this could be another crafting addiction *lol*

I started with the awesome "The Kiss" scraps from {DIVINE. digital} created by Jenn Balding and a So Sketchy sketch by Ally Cope. I must tell you the digi kit is really inexpensize and contains: 6 papers (14 patterns; 6 semi-solids; and 5 textured cardstocks) and 25 elements (stuffed teddy bear, twill tag, twisty string, bling "rain" overlay, 2 glitter hearts, scattered bead border, crumpled ribbon, twisted ribbon, 2 sequins, 2 layered flowers, layered button, clear glitter flower sticker, 5 butons, 2 bows, crushed bottle cap, and a beaded heart). So just imagine how many cards you can make with this kit...not to mention scrapbook pages?!

Here is my card:


-All layers and embllies from Divine Digital with the exception of the white cardstock base which is Stampers Select cardstock by PTI.

Would like to win your very own copy of Jennifer's beautiful kit, "This Kiss"?
All you have to do is create a card using any one of the So Sketchy card sketches posted Jan. 28, 29, 30).

Send your card creations to Ally Cope at with the subject line "This Kiss Contest".
Deadline for entries: Fri. February 6th.
The winner will receive a FREE download of the digital kit, "This Kiss - Scraps by Jenn" from Divine Digitals.

Note: You'll need a photo editing program like Photo Elements, Photoshop etc. in order to play with one of these kits.

Good luck everyone. You'll have a lot of fun playing with this kit. Thanks for letting me share a "first" with you!


Friday, January 30, 2009

123 Teacher!

You know me...always thinking about the teacher. I had this fun numbers sheet that has been calling my name paired with the apples and "teacher" from PTI's Teacher's Apple and VOILA...a card! Simple. Quick. Fresh and Funky.


Stamp Set(s): Teacher’s Apple by PTI
Cardstock: Stampers Seclect White by PTI

Patterned Paper: Hopscotch Black Pop Culture by KI Memories, Apple Delight Serendipity by
Pink Paislee
Ink: True Black by PTI
Accents: Flower by Prima, Button by MM

The weekend already??? Hope you have a good one.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Friendship a la flower!

I have another quick and easy card for you today. I love it when I come out of my stamp room with a collection of cards that look clean and are simple to create. One of my favourite things to do to take a card to the next step is by creating a double embossed border. I have a few tutorials on just how to do that listed in my sidebar to the right of your screen (click the ones with nestabilities in the title).

When I decide to use embossed frames on my card I actually start with the frame and then I stamp. I like knowing my space and working within in.

Stamp Set(s): Flower Stem by Wise Owl by PTI, Spiral Bouquet by PTI

Stampers Select White by PTI
Ink: Pear Dew Drop by Momento
Accents: Yellow, teal buttons from MME, red button from MM

Tools: Rectangle Nestabilities by Spellbinders

Have a terrific day!


P.S. If you are trying to contact me by e-mail I am currently in the process of transfering all my files to a different computer and will not have access... Good thing blogger allows for advanced posting :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Just a quick post today...lots of on the go!

A simple card with few steps is fun to make. Today's card uses a set I created for PTI called Garden of Life. I paired the flower images with sentiments from Spiral Bouquet.

Clear Stamp Set(s): Garden of Life by PTI, Spiral Bouquet by PTI
Cardstock: Dark Chocolate by PTI, Aqua Mist by PTI, Spring Moss by PTI, Linen Vellum by PTI
Ink: Dark Chocolate by PTI, Aqua Mist by PTI, Spring Moss by PTI
Accents: Ribbon by PTI, Button by MM, Floss by Doodlebug

Have a great day.


The Sweetest Thing.

Are you ready for a little love? I got creative the other outside of the box creative when I came up with this one. Have I told you lately how much I love my scor-pal??? So imagine how it was when scor-pal met truly was the sweetest thing! TADA!

Upon closer examination you will notice that I have created some good looking texture. For those of you who have never used a scor-pal, in order to achieve this embossed look, you "scor" the inside of your card to get these beautiful ridges after which I ran it through the cuttlebug. I placed the cuttlebug along the edge of the card only since I didn't want the dot pattern to take over my card. I actually used my gel pen to colour all those dots but of course could have easily sponged white pigment ink over the top as well. I also created a ridge at the top running horizontally and then added the black trim to add punch to the card and tie in with the ribbon.

Since I have been all "blah blah" about Making Memories these days (fun times over on their blog!) I thought it would be appropriate to show you how much I like their product. If you know me personally I like it because it's all matchy match *blush*

Cardstock: Kraft by PTI, Black by Prism Paper, Beige by Prism Paper
Patterned Paper: Making Memories

Brads by MM, Sticker by MM, Ribbon by May Arts, Frame by Melissa Frances
Tools: White Gel Pen

Have a super day.


Monday, January 26, 2009

A little cupcake...

Is it Monday already? Honestly??? Where did the weekend go???? *blink*

In order to get you through the week I thought we'd start with a Happy Cupcake Day! I adore the MFT Flopsey sets and this cupcake one is one of my favs. Mr Flopsey is just too cute...look at those ears *grins*

You'll notice I stamped Flopsey on patterned paper I outlined him using my W-1 Copic marker. I coloured the cupcake icing with a souffle pen and then outlined the lines using stickles.

Stamp Set(s): Cupcake Flopsey by MFT
Cardstock: Stampers Select White by PTI, Dark Brown by Prism Paper
Patterned Paper: Paige by Melissa Frances, Flutterby by Webster's Pages

Ink: Espresso by Ranger
Button by MM, Glitter Star by MM, Stickles by Ranger, Souffle Pen, Ribbon by MM
Tools: Copic Ciao Markers

I hope you have a terrific week. I have a busy one ahead...


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Making Memories LIVE from CHA

If you haven't followed the Making Memories blog recently I suggest that NOW is the time, especially if you want sneak peaks and FREE prizes. Want to know the best news? They have a live video broadcast and chat.

I have participated in Making Memories fun during CHA'll LOVE IT! Watch out tho, it's addictive.



Saturday, January 24, 2009

CHA and a card

CHA=Craft and Hobby Association (the BIG show) in Anaheim, California this weekend and also in Orlando, Florida this summer.

Who else is excited about all the CHA sneak peaks??? My ALL TIME FAVOURITE patterned paper company October Afternoon unveiled a new line *in love* called Cherry Hill. I am talking SERIOUS eye candy...and did you see all the beautiful lines from Prima???

One of the things I shared in my write up for PTI last year was that I am a trend watcher. I absolutely love trends although I have to admit, living in a small little town, my wardrobe and hair style certainly does not reflect it--that will all change this year *lol* moving to the big city.

If you missed some of the trendy reveals this past week or even this weekend and want to catch up be sure to stop Lifetime Moments because they collected a bunch of sneak peaks for you. And don't forget to live vicariously through those bloggers who are attending CHA--they often share lots of the goods.

I have been a little under the weather again and took a few days off to tend to my family and lay in bed again. Our family has had their share of colds and flus this season...I hope this is the last one!

Onto today's card...just got my order from Stamping Bella!!! Isn't this love bug adorable?

Stamp Set(s): Lovey HuggaBugg by Stamping Bella
Cardstock: Stamper's Select Cardstock by PTI, Kraft by PTI
Patterned Paper:

Ink: Pitch Black by Ranger
GinghamRibbon by PTI, Red Sparkles, Chipboard Glitter Stars by Making Memories
Tools: Copic Ciao Markers
, Distress Tool

Have a super day...hope you get to see lots of your fav company sneak peaks too!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just for Fun Challenge.

I am SOOO excited to share my first card for the Just for Fun Challenge (JFF). Some of you may know that Michele Boyer and Carole Burrage have particiapted in a month challenge where one sends images and the other paper and then challenge each other to create a card using the same materials--posting on the same day. You may have also read Carole's post last month which eluded that January's JFF Challenge would be BIGGER and BETTER well that's because Lori Craig, Julie Campbell and I decided to step on board and play along too. As you may know, the 5 of us served on the CHF team together and had the priveledge of developing a sisterhood! Love those girls!!!

So how does this challenge work? Well this month I received this beautiful Whiff of Joy image from Lori and that delicious heart patterned paper from Carole.

Stamp Set(s): Hot Chocolate Girl by Whiff of Joy, Houndstooth Scrapblock TM by CHF
Cardstock: Stamper's Select Cardstock by PTI, Ripe Avocado by PTI
Patterned Paper: Hey There from Everyday Collection by American Crafts

Ink: Pitch Black by Ranger, Oregano by Ranger
Button by MME, Ribbon by PTI
Tools: Copic Ciao Markers
, Paper Piercer, Sewing Machine

Make sure you check out the fabulous cards the JFF girls have created for you:

Michele Boyer
Carole Burrage
Lori Craig
Julie Campbell

Have a terrific day!!!!!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Corner Frame Tutorial

The other day I shared THIS card and told you I had a tutorial to follow. You'll love how simple this is to create.

Before I begin I just want to define a few terms I will refer to using the Spellbinders die cuts and the wizard.

a) stack: the combination of accessories for cutting or embossing
b) plate: the thick white plastic board
c) tan mat: rubber mat used for embossing
d) cardstock: paper
e) nestabilities: metal dies used for cutting
f) shim: the thin white plastic board used to assist in the cutting process

1) Cut the rectangle using your wizard or cuttlebug. Stack: plate, cardstock, nestabilities, shim and plate.

2) Line up the nestabilities. Using the largest rectangle from the "classic rectangle, small" paired with the "small labels" nestabilities I was able to create a unique frame and corner for my stamped image.

Now stack: plate, tan mat, cardstock, nestabilities, and plate. Run through the Wizard.

And this is the result!

I just love how it has framed this image!

Simple right?? Have fun creating your unique borders using a combination of nestabilities.

Have a terrific day. Stay tuned for a card that I created for a fun challenge.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Some Housekeeping Minutes

I just wanted to take a few "house keeping" minutes to share some things with you.

1)I receive daily messages from people asking what is in store for me next and many of you have specifically asked me about my work for PTI (ie. do I work for PTI, do I still create stamps, will I be on the DT etc). As I previously posted, I took some DT leave (stepped down from teams) to focus on my family. After next week, I will have completed the most intense part of Andrew's assessment intake and will have to wait another 6-12 months before he gets his official assessment--just received the phone call today about that (yay for the Canadian medical system). However, to replace that I have a move to prepare for, homeschooling to prepare for, report cards are around the corner and much more. It's always busy in my household.
I am still working on publications and will have a couple of fun things to share in the future but for now I plan to enjoy participating in challenges and leisure stamping...oh and don't forget teaching you too! I love educational moments--so ask me some questions and tell me what papercraft things you want to learn about. I'll gladly compile the list and set the goal of teaching some if not all those things throughout the year (as long as they are doable)--I'll even post the list on my blog and cross them off or add the link when they are done :) We actually do that with the kids--we always write up a seasonal list of things to do and use it as a reference for those moments. Once we have completed the "fun" thing(s) we cross it off the list.

2) That leads me to the next housekeeping item. Did you notice the convo box in the right column of my blog? I added that box so that you can ask me a question and receive a response a lot faster. I take the time to answer all the questions I recieve by e-mail and don't get me wrong I love doing that but I also believe that your questions are someone else's questions too--so why not share right?

3) If you leave me a question but don't leave a return e-mail address it is difficult for me to return your e-mail. If this is the case you will now find the answer in the convo box.

Well I think that is all today. I hope to hear from you.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Taylored Challenge

I think one of the very first blogs I ever visited was that of Taylor Van Bruggen. Taylor has a fabulous sense of style--clean, fab layouts, sharp colours and her photos are AMAZING. I admired her work for months and months before I ever had the courage to post my own work.

I had the opportunity to meet Taylor at CHA last year and I was finally able to share that I loved her work in person. We had the pleasure of attending a Copic event together.

Although I see her posts every week I have never participated in a Cupcake Challenges and I figured it might as well be now or never even if it is challenge #51!

I got the CUTEST little Anya stamp set called Pretty Hat and couldn't resist using it for this challenge.

Here is the sketch:

Here is my take:

Check out those FANCY corners...I'll include a how to for my tip of the week on the 21st!

Stamp Set(s): Pretty Hat by the Greeting Farm (formally Pink Poison)
Cardstock: Smooth White by Prism, Dark Brown by Prism Paper
Patterned Paper: Cosmo Cricket
, October Afternoon
Ink: Pitch Black by Ranger, Espresso by Ranger
Misc Button
Tools: Copic Ciao Markers
, Paper Piercer

Have a super week!


Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Stamp Momma!

I am sure if you are a regular on SCS you know I am talking about LORI CRAIG--you go girl! Lori was the featured stamper this week and it was my absolute pleasure to stroll through her gallery and find a yummy card to case. I have had the opportunity not only to work alongside Lori but also meet her IRL. Lori is a true friend who is always willing to chat and who takes an interest not only in you but also your family. Love you girl and a big CONGRATS.

I chose to case this kay-ute card and made the following changes:
1) patterned paper
2) stamp set and sentiment
3) in the place the pearls I used ribbon
4) in the place of the flower I replaced it with layered prima flowers and a decorative brad
5) instead of using a tag I used a strip of paper

Stamp Set(s): Bear Hugs (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
Cardstock: Smooth White by Prism, Dark Brown by Prism Paper
Patterned Paper: Cosmo Cricket

Ink: Pitch Black by Ranger, Espresso by Ranger
Polka Dot Ribbon by Prima, Brad by 7 Gypsies, Flowers by Prima
Tools: Copic Ciao Markers

I'll be back with another post tomorrow :) Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!!!!


Friday, January 16, 2009

Limited Supplies Challenge

I am not sure why sleep was not programmed for me today but here I am, up at the crack of dawn playing a Limited Supplies Challenge at SCS.

Todays challenge was to create a postcard like Valentine's Day card that was easily producible. I couldn't be more happier as I have been thinking about the design for the 2009 classroom cards for my children.

I have been eyeing some of my patterned paper recently and when I saw the posted supply list included red and pink I knew I had to use it.

-pinks, reds, white, black or kraft
-limit the amount of layers and embellishments
-limit the hand-cut pieces . . . why cut it when you can punch it instead??
-your creation should be a “postcard” type of card

Here is my take: (be kind it is early in the morning *lol*--I've had a total of 3 hours sleep)

You'll notice I wrapped a strip of paper around the bottom of this labels 1 die cut. You'll also notice I highlighted an area on the heart with a white gel pen and outlined the inner part of the wings with stickles. Of course that is a step you can omit to make it an even faster card but I thought it would add some "sparkle".

Stamp Set(s): The Birds and the Bees (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
Cardstock: Smooth White by Prism, Kraft by PTI
Patterned Paper: Detours: Dirt Road by October Afternoon

Ink: Pitch Black by Ranger, Cranberry by Ranger
Polka Dot Ribbon by May Arts, Stickles by Ranger
Tools: Copic Ciao Markers, Nestabilities by Spellbinders
, White Gel Pen

Hope you have a super day and a fantastic weekend.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


I have been into my thematic basket again...and what would you know...another card has emerged. Can I just say that Mish (Michelle Wooderson) is a GENIUS. I know, I keep talking about these people but honestly, these ladies I have been talking about recently are leading ladies in this industry. Where would we be without Ali Edwards, Nichole Heady, Kim Hughes, Michelle Wooderson, Melissa Philips, Lauren Meader, Ellen Hutson, Debbie Olson, Julie Ebersole? This list could go on, but these are the ladies that give me inspiration.

So today's card started with this fab sentiment from Heart Print Sentiments by PTI and slowly but sure it all came together.

Stamp Set(s):
-Heart Print Sentiments by PTI

-Stampers Select White by PTI
-Kraft by PTI

Patterned Paper
Houndstooth from Paperie Poolside Collection by Making Memories
-My Mind's Eye

-Chocolate Chip by PTI
-Vintage Cream by PTI


-Clear Printed Ribbon
-Together Stitched Felt Stickers by Chatterbox
-Say It in Crystals Wings by Prima

-Nestabilities by Spellbinders

Hope you have a terrific day!


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Out for Publication Sign

First of all did you notice it was my blogoversary yesterday??? 2 years and counting. Too bad my counter decided to go on vacation. I do know that the last time I looked it rolled over 500000. I couldn't be more proud and thankful. You know I couldn't do this without you. *smiles*

In my BIG publication post I mentioned the importance of pulling your cards and projects that have been picked up for publication from online galleries and blogs. This can be a daunting task so being prepared is the first step. There are several ways you can do this. You can 1) delete cards in your galleries or blog posts 2) create a digital/word banner (Out for Publication) or 3) create a mock card front (like I have) and post it in place of the existing photo so you can keep your post intact. The benefit of options 2 and 3 is that you can keep your post and potentially add the photo back--read the fine print of your contract first.

In my post I mentioned that Kim Hughes created a CUTE Out for Publication "sign". On a side note she also created her blog banner in her Kim flair!!! Having worked with Kim and having met her in person, I can only say good things. She is such an inspiration--I just love her to bits.

Today's post was COMPLETELY inspired by Kim. Of course, many of you will recognize that I added the Alli flair. I couldn't resist using my lil' owl and some PTI goodness. It has been so long since I have used my Wise Owl set in a post but since I hope to use this "Out for Publication" a little more I thought it should reflect me! So from now on, if you see this "sign" in a post you know why!

Here is a close up:

What do you think? It was lots of fun to create so I am sending out a challenge to you as well. If you plan to get serious about pub work, I challenge you to create your own Out for Publication sign. Once you have, please link back here to share it with me. I'd love to see it :)

I hope you have a terrific day. And see you again tomorrow.


Monday, January 12, 2009

A Moxie Fab Challenge

Are you a Moxie Fab follower?? If not what are you waiting for. Where do I start?....Cath writes with such enthusiasm...and yet she has a real down to earth feel in her writing too. Her blogging weighs heavily on trends and of course she makes sure to include ALL those papercrafts celebs know the entertainment tonight in the papercraft world.

Cath has hosted a few challenges now and even tho I have been inclined to get involved life just seemed to get into the way...until the New Year's Eveningwear Challenge.

I started working on this challenge a week ago and just finished it up today. I drew my inspiration from the lace dress below:

Here is my take...

Stamp Set(s):
-Sew Special by Crafty Secrets

-Stampers Select White by Papertrey Ink

Patterned Paper
-Hometown Collection by October Afternoon

-Pitch Black by Ranger

-Misc Polka Dot Ribbon
-Resin Accent by Melissa Frances
-Flowers by Prima
-Brad by Making Memories


-Ciao Copic Markers
-Rectangle Nestabilities by Spellbinders

Have a super day.


Sunday, January 11, 2009


I didn't think I would ever get here to post! For some reason my google page would not let me access my blog today. I think there are techno people out there who like to tease me...either that or I am just not that saavy--I think it is the latter.

So without further ado, here is a simple page that sweetens my heart. You may have spied it in my stamp room was hanging up in my room. I didn't get a chance to photograph it right away and have been meaning to ever since.

This photo was taken just after my daugther's second birthday. I can't believe how much she has grown since then..but one thing is for sure, she is still my princess. Oh and she still likes to dress up :)

Patterned Paper
-Snow Dust from Wassail Collection by Basic Grey
-Polka Dots by Melissa Frances

-Bird by Heidi Swapp
-Crown by Melissa Frances
-Clear Clock by Heidi Swapp
-Year/Month/Day Die Cut by MME
-Brad by MM
-Flower by Prima
-Snowflake by Imaginesce
-Princess (this has been in my collection for some time now, not sure what company it came from)

I am still on the mend. My poor hubby is now sick too. I think it is only a matter of time before the kids are sick--but we are madly washing hands and keeping things clean to prevent the spread of the flu. I hope this post finds you all well or on the mend too!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Update and Q+A

Hello everyone. As of yesterday around 1PM (shortly after I posted about Publishing Cards) I came down with the flu. I was in bed before the kids last night and spent most of today in bed too. I am slowly but surely feeling well enough to be up for a few hours. I have a scrapbook page to share with you and am hoping to get it posted some time tomorrow as long as I am feeling better.

Thank you for your kind words regarding my post yesterday. I have such a passion for teaching so sharing things just comes naturally. I have answered a few questions about my post and thought others might want to see the answers too.

Your questions about getting published:

I am not that great at identifying what a magazines style is. I have sub'd to papercrafts on and off for years but I don't think I could have found the words you used to describe them. Could you give us a run down as to what each card mags style is?

I wish I could answer this question with certainty but there are some limiting factors:

1) There are hundreds of different magazines out there and I have only seen/read/studied a select few.
2) There are limited types of paper craft magazines that I can buy in my community and surrounding communities
3) I think it would take me over a week to report on every magazine.

However, here are the things you should look for:

* What materials are commonly used in this magazine?
* Who is getting published in this magazine? (Look at their style--google their name and see if they have a blog and study their work)
* What types of projects and cards are featured in this magazine? Are they detailed cards? Are they simple cards? Are they layered? Are they stampy or scrappy?
* Are the patterned papers, embelishments, stamps older or newer (this is where you would have to be checking online stores or manufacture websites--I receive a newsletter from a few of my fav stores so I know what new things they are bringing in. I also follow CHA news. You'll notice that a lot of companies are posting sneak peaks for CHA right now).
* Is there a 1) Vintage style (lacy, old tattered, pre-printed, simple colours look to it?--Melissa Frances is a company that sells what I call vintage. Also, Crafty Secrets has vintage style stamps) 2) Grunge/ alternative style: a perfect example is Tim Holtz If you take one good look at his blog banner you can TOTALLY get an idea about what I am talking about. A good stamp line to describe this look is The Rummage Bin by CHF. 3) Trendy style: uses newest things; fresh twist on projects--the use of burlap or cardboard or felt or swatches or fabric; in season colours (every year in the fashion/fabric world they announce new colours--this comes down to the scrapbook and stamping world too. I have to say that Nichole Heady is one of the first people that comes to my mind when I think of trends. She has it going from her use of materials and her creative flair, to her PTI colour lines, her stamp lines you name it! Another good place to check out what is trendy is to follow Cath at Moxie Fab World

I hope this gives you a sense of what to look for when you are looking for style. That word is hard to define because I believe it is a perception more than a hardened fact. Style is ever changing and it can be simple or complex. And although I listed three styles above there are so many more.

Do you think getting published has anything to do with being a known name in the online blogger and DT world? I am just curious if the, "you need to know the right people" rule applies.

Another great question. My first publishing came before my name was in the DT spotlight. I have seen a lot of people in magazines that are not associated with any type of DT and also who do not have blogs. I think that the reason you see so many DT members/bloggers in magazines is because 1) you are familiar with their name and work 2) many of those DT members make cards daily--regular card making means more cards to submit to magazines 3) some DT hire people who work solely to submit to magazines while other companies may provide incentives and encourage their team to submit to magazines 4) some companies have a marketing director who is in touch with magazines and who negotiates "promotional" opportunities.

The bottom line is ANYBODY can be published it just takes the time, effort and persistance. If you are willing to take the chance you have taken the first step. Just don't quit not matter how disheartening it is. Trust me on that one. If I quit all the things I did in life I'd never have had these opportunities. I am eternally grateful.

Oh and really knowing the right people certainly increases your chances of publication. If you submit regularly and consistently you are bound to get known and asked to do freelance work (of course that is still in my dreams--but it does happen).

Again, if you have any more questions please feel free to ask. I certainly don't know everything but I will share what I know.


Friday, January 9, 2009

Publishing Your Cards

Here it is, the long awaited card publication write up I promised you. You'll notice it is quite lengthy--that is why it took me so long to post it. I wanted to be thorough.

Grab a coffee and take your time reading through my thoughts. Now please keep in mind this is not the do-all list. I am sure that there are seasoned people out there who have even more to share than I do. I based this post just on my own experience. And as you may well note (looking at my pub resume on the sidebar), I have not been published for long and I don't have a long list of publications for two reasons: 1) time 2) effort. Yes, you read that right. If you want to get published it takes time and effort on your behalf. Because I work from home, two children (one special needs child), had DT commitments etc and a shift working husband, I chose to send in my work when it suited me. The more effort I put in, the greater the chance of my publication.

Terminology: (the "what do you really mean" by that)

Pub call: is short for publication calls. It is a specific and detailed list of what the magazine is looking for.

Editorial calendar: this is a “calendar” of cut off dates for future calls

Scrappy: using scrapbook materials as the main focal point of your card (stickers, embellishments, ribbon, patterned paper)

Stampy: using stamps as the main focal (stamped images, background stamps)

Style: the “look” you see throughout a magazine.
If you are a regular reader of Papercrafts Magazine for instance, you understand the style of their magazine weighs heavily on trends, new product, fresh and unique looks.

**I’ll add to this if you need other words defined. Just leave it in the comment section below and check back for updates.

My thoughts and advice:
  1. take the risk
  2. keep submitting even if your cards don’t get picked up (but keep in mind you never send the same card to more than one magazine call at the same time)
  3. ALWAYS follow the editorial rules (keep to the call don’t submit things out of the blue)
  4. Submit monthly
  5. Ask for pointers—if you keep submitting cards and they aren’t accepted ask your blog viewers, friends etc for advice.
  6. Rejection: just because they don’t take your card doesn’t mean it is not good—it just may not fit that particular call.
  7. Persistence pays off! Don’t get discouraged.

Pub Calls

How it works:

1) Read the list of calls: either at the back of the magazines, at each magazine’s website (google the magazine name and look for their pub calls) , or at a site like Pub Calls (please note this site does not list a ton of magazine calls)

2) Make your card and either a) take a photo of it and send it in to the editor with the appropriate “call” name in the e-mail title—include a list of materials b) package it up and send it off with a list of the materials.

3) Wait for the call back. Not all magazines send out “rejection” notices. If you don’t hear back from them within a week or a month (depends on the magazine—make sure you note their call back day—you will get to know this with certain magazines over time too)
it's safe to say your card was not accepted.

4) If you get an acceptance letter, you need to prepare your materials for shipment, fill in materials lists and sign a contract.
Make sure you send it in well before the deadline and that you package it in a secure mailer or box to prevent damage during shipping. I also like to get a confirmation number or signature at its destination. For those of you who live outside of the US, please be advised it may not be possible to get a confirmation number on your package.

5) Remove cards from blog, online galleries.

6) Your card is published and you continue to send new material in following number 1 on this list. (it’s a cycle!)

How to start:

1) I almost always start in the magazine section of a store. Get to know the magazines, their styles and what they publish. Each magazine has a unique style and each of their calls are different. Here is a list of some of the magazines out there:
  • Papercrafts (and all the other magazines that come from CK Media: Card Creations, Stamp It!, etc)
  • Stampington
  • Rubberstamper
  • Crafts n Things
  • CardMaker
  • Handmade
  • Scrapbook and Cards Today
  • Paper Trends, Cards and Scrapbook Trends
  • Canadian Scrapbooker

2) Create a publication binder (trust me on this one) *You might want to print this post and include it in your binder to start with as a reference tool.

I like to label things for quick reference so here are the following tags you’ll find in my binder:

(list the “end” date for the calls) A calendar is useful to keep track of deadlines etc.

Magazine Information
(notes about magazines, their styles, things I learn about them, editor information, address etc.) Include a section with notes about the magazines you like. Honestly, if you don’t like the magazine there is no point in including it in your binder.

Current Calls (always start with the most recent calls and highlight the “end date”)

Cards sent
(it’s always wise to keep track of the cards you send in to each magazine to ensure you don’t send them twice as well as to be certain you don’t loose track of what you send in—excel is a good way to track this information—print out some blank sheets and fill in the details or just fill it in on your computer and keep it close at hand) I have a folder on my desktop that I keep all my pub materials in. I also keep track of it in my Outlook Explorer. Any time I send a card for a pub call via e-mail I CC (carboncopy) it to that folder. I also keep my acceptance letters and materials in that folder as well.

Accepted for publication
I keep a copy of the details I need for accepted publication. You normally have to fill in “paperwork” with the details about the card (a list of supplies, tips, contracts etc)

Published (I keep a copy of ALL the cards I get published). I take the page out of the magazine and place it in a clear sheet. On the outside of the clear sheet I list the issue and magazine information. This section is more like a portfolio of my work. It’s fun to look at and share with others.

3) You will be most successful if you submit cards to magazines with your style. If you are a scrappy designer then you will be successful in magazines that tend to lean on the scrapbook side of things.


  • Start small. Grow big. Don’t submit to EVERY magazine out there. Start with your favourite magazines or calls interest you. Over time you will know how to submit etc and you can start adding to your monthly submissions.

  • Some magazines want BRAND NEW CARDS (never posted online). Make sure you read their guidelines.

  • Some magazines are now limiting the number of submissions each person can send in per call. Again, read the fine details.

  • If you have posted your card online (blog, gallery etc) make sure to remove it as soon as it has been accepted.It is advisable to create an “out for publication” card and post it in place of the card you need to remove. Yes, you read that right.Make a long card with the words removed for publication.Kim Hughes has a REALLY cute one that matches her blog banner which by the way was also created with stamps and patterned paper if you didn’t guess *smiles*

  • Compensation: Varies for each publication. From free issues to free product to monetary incentives.Cards are typically on the lower scale the payment scale, whereas “sets” ( a picnic spread, spa kit, stamped and sewn items etc) are on the higher end of the payment scale.That means that you can be paid anywhere from $25-200 for each piece.Also, if your card makes the cover of a magazine you may get paid more than the standard card rate. It’s nice to be “paid” for your work because not only do you cover the supplies to make the card, you have to pay to send it, you have to take the time to submit it, you have to make a list of the materials and fill out the contracts etc.

  • Be courteous.If you are using someone else’s template or sketch layout be sure to include this information when you send in your publication.(Eg. Timeless Templates from PTI) As a general rule, stick with your original designs.

  • Trade secret: when you look at the list, think about what “calls” will fill up quickly. For instance, for a holiday issue, you can almost be certain that they will receive a lot of cards for Christmas but not has many for Hanukkah cards or cards with a unique winter twist. So the more clever the design, the better chance it will be picked up.This is where creativity counts.

  • Good photography—if you don’t have the equipment (light tent etc) photograph your card on sunny day outside. Make sure that you take photos that are uncluttered. That means don’t take the photo in front of a bunch of things.

  • Professionalism: this is like a job. You wouldn’t go to a business interview in jeans would you? (ok maybe some places you would *lol*) well that is the same way you need to look at submitting cards. The magazine business is BIG business. Send in items that look professional. Keep your photos bright, your cards clean—and looking right. Make sure your items are SECURELY adhered to your card or scrapbook page.

How do you get on the list:

If you are published quite frequently with some magazines they will automatically send you a call list. Over time this saves you the time for looking up the information
and allows you more time to focus on their calls.

Do you have any other pub related questions for me?

Also, I noticed my friend Carolyn King has also included a pub post with even MORE information about publications. Make sure you check it out. She has included some valuable tips.

Thanks for stopping by and best wishes with your publications. And just so you know, I believe in you *smiles* You are welcome to drop me a note in the future and share your experiences, frustrations or successes.


Thursday, January 8, 2009


Wow...what happened to the days this week? It's crazy time in our household. Not sure why but it seems like everything that needs to be done has to be done by next week. Doesn't that always happen? Our school is being audited right now and that requires some extra work--imagine trying to organize over 100+ online staff and admin and ensure all the paperwork, receipts and online work are done correctly. Glad all I have to do is do my job *lol*

I have been working on the publication post (little by little) and should have it up either tomorrow or Saturday. In the meantime I am going to share my So Sketchy card. Here is today's sketch:

Here is my take using the very cute My Punny Valentine released by PTI last year.

Stamp Set(s):
-My Punny Valentine by PTI

-Stampers Select by PTI

Patterned Paper
-October Afternoon

-Espresso by Ranger
-Latte by Ranger

-Flower by MM
-Button by MM
-Green Floss

-Misc Lace ribbon

-Nestabilities by Spellbinders

Have a great day.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ipods--and a card.

One of my post prized possessions from the holiday season was a special gift I received from my mum. Now let me tell you, I am SO NOT the bells and whistles kinda gal. I like my gadgets plain and simple. I leave the scary stuff to my husband. Anyways, mum bought us each an i-pod shuffle for Christmas so now we can all listen to our tunes on our own accord. This has actually made for a silent back seat during our trips out of town--AMAZING for our two kiddos! They love choosing their music. And I love listening to mine too especially during a workout or cooking.

So what does this have to do with my card? Well it's what inspired me to use my ipodabella ??? Now ipodabella has been in my possession for a while now and has been screaming for ink. In addition, I dragged out some good friends, my Koh-i-noor woodless pencils. It seems after my Copic purchase I have ignored my pencils. During my craft room organization and purge I found them and decided I would use them. And you will notice I brought out the sewing machine too (thanks GinaK!).

I outlined her using a white pencil to add some dimension. I have to tell you I love kraft paper and colouring--they are meant for each other.


Stamp Set(s):
-Ipodabella by Stamping Bella

-Stampers Select by PTI
-Kraft by PTI

Patterned Paper
-Making Memories

-Pitch Black by Ranger

-Misc Ribbon
-Misc Button
-Misc Lace ribbon


-Nestabilities by Spellbinders
-Sewing Machine

Have a wonderful day and please know I am working on a publication write up for you!


P.S. Anyone else ordering Kim Hughes' new images today? If so which ones?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kissey Birds

To start off, I'd like to congrats:
Blogger Rebecca Ednie who said...

I have actually been published once! I haven't done it again because of the others that didn't get published! It is a goal of mine this year to try again.

Rebecca please send me your snail mail and I will get your magazine in the mail.

Wow, 101 people responded! Thank you. I loved reading your comments. I plan to have a little segment posted on my blog in the next few days regarding publication. I sense that some of you would like to learn a little more about the process.
When I sit back and think about my purpose on earth I can see that it leads to the same thing over and over--Education. I am an educator and I like to teach. I also like to learn.
As many of you know I stepped down from some of my papercraft duties to focus on my family. It seems like a reoccuring theme for some other bloggers this year too. I mentioned before that I would still be around and still plan to post. That has not changed. But this year I plan to change my posts a little. Not all of them will be projects, instead I'd like to include a tip of the day from time to time to help other crafters with projects. Sometimes what seems obvious to me is not obvious to you and I want to ensure that what I do/what I create is understood. So please don't hesitate to ask me questions if you see a card or project and think "Now how did she do that?". No question is too silly. I promise.

Onto today's card. You'll be happy to know I used the goodies from my thematic collection that is sitting on my desk--you know the one--the Valentine's one I showed you the other day.

Notice I outlined the birds using a pink Copic marker.

Stamp Set(s):
-The Birds and the Bees (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Smooth White by Prism Paper
-Brown Core-dinations Cardstock

Patterned Paper
-Making Memories

-Espresso by Ranger

-Ribbon by American Crafts
-Clear Heart by Heidi Swapp

-Copic Markers

-Sanding block by Tim Holtz

Stayed tuned..I pulled out my bellas! I know. Don't be too shocked.

Have a super day.


Friday, January 2, 2009

A Giveaway!

I just wanted to share that 3 of my cards were featured in the most recent issue of Card Creations, Quick & Easy Vol. 2 (Dec 2008)“Birthday Wish” p. 29, “Hello Dear Friend” p. 49, and “Teacher” p. 74. In fact, this volume is packed with online designers whose names you are sure to recognize. There really is nothing more exciting than picking up a magazine with your own work in it. For those of you who have never submitted--because you don't have the nerve, because you are afraid of rejection, because you don't think it is good enough, because you aren't crafty enough I encourage you to GO FOR IT! To be honest, I am always surprised at what cards they do take. Also, submit more than one--submit lots! I have had rejections too. But look at that as constructive criticism and learn from the experience.

Here is my fav of the 3 cards accepted for this issue...

Ok, and now for the giveaway--a free copy of Card Creations Quick & East Vol. 2! All you have to do is leave me a comment telling me if you have ever submitted a project (anything) for a publication call. If not, are you planning to? What's stopping you??

I will draw a name using and post the winner on Sunday morning.

Have a super day.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Craft Space Revealed!

First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

I waited until this morning to take photos of my room using natural light and crazy as it is it's sunny here *falls on floor* it's hardly ever sunny here!!!

This will be a long post of photos and explanations. Please feel free to ask questions and I'd be happy to answer them. And just so you know this is 5+ years in the making. I didn't acquire this overnight. I used to be a SU! demo and used to invest all my savings back into my business. As you can imagine over time my one little square foot took over a room. Although I am no longer a SU! demo, I have reinvested the $ from selling my stuff back into maintream items. Now don't get me wrong, I still respect SU! 100%--they have great product--and I even order from them from time to time, I just ventured out of the box so to speak. In addition, because we move quite a bit I have to make sure that I don't have too much stuff *lol* --just don't let hubby see this post.


This is where the magic begins. In addition to what you see here, I often include a foldable table behind my chair so that I am surrounded by space. Although my desk takes up a corner in my room I seem to take it over in minutes and need more space. This desk also doubles as my online school teaching desk (of course my couch does that job too!) so I have a laptop that I can store away when I need to craft.

A close up of my desk! Clock has to be handy because I loose hours here...1 turns into 3! Not sure how that happens. Also, lots of pics of my kids and DH to keep me focused. I just love having my memo board close by. I hang printouts of challenges and layouts for quick reference.

I do have another corner in this room. It's my "classroom" space. A bunch of shelves with books, manipulatives, art supplies etc. The kids have a little table here too. My daughter has her own stamp supplies (all my PTI sets) and she stamps along with mum quite often. I also have my photo tent and lights set up permantently too (but of course I didn't take a photo of it).
My room is in the basement of my house. I don't have carpet so that if I drop glitter it just doesn't matter! *lol* I have a little floor carpet to add warmth to the room and a place for the kids to sit and play with toys--especially when they were younger. I have a mini portable fire place to keep me warm too.


This is new to my desk this year. It was inspired by the ever incredible genious Michelle Wooderson. I have also seen Pine using a themed collection of goodies too. I am preparing Valentine's cards for my blog posts in the next few weeks. I can already see I have a few more things to add to this collection so far. I will begin putting my Easter supplies together in 2 weeks time.

My absolute GO TOOLS--my scor-pal and my paper trimmer. Even though I don't include it in my tool list I use these items EVERY day for EVERY project.

Also, you'll notice the bins under my desk. The top bin has patterned paper scraps. The remaining bins (which have yet to be labeled) are papers by company. It's a good way for me to keep track of what paper I am using especially for publication calls (because they require an accurate list of the supplies used). After 5 years of crafting, one tends to get a collection of things, especially paper. My bins are as follows:
1) PTI (*lOvE it--it's thick, works well with Copic markers, acts as a fabulous cardbase),
2) Core-dinations Cardstock (great texture, sands well, love that different colours when tearing, comes in LOTS of colours)
3) Prism (again--neat texture--different from co-ordinations, good to use for layering)

I just put up these mini shelves from Ikea (bought them while I was there this summer--took me this long to get them up--thank for DH who helped me!). The top shelf are my chalks. The second shelf has different inks. And below that you will see the Pet Shop my daughter insists I keep with me at all times as well as my message board.

I like to have my stamps handy. I keep all my PTI sets in the shelf on my desk. They are all labeled in alphabetical order for quick retrieval. You'll also notice the clip it up is also next to my desk and houses the majority of my CHF, Verve, Bellas, MFT, Crafty Secrets stamps. On my desk you'll also see some holders for my scissors, pens etc. A lot of the tools I use frequently.

I have had my clip it up for close to a year and a half and must say it is one of THE best investments I have. In fact, I may end up getting another one in the future.

All the baskets on my desk are home to all sorts of goodies. I keep my acrylic blocks handy for quick access. The smaller ones are burried under the big ones *lol* and let me tell you it does pay to have the right size block!

Back in my SU! days, my FIL built me this beauty. And since I traded in my SU! stamp pads I needed to find a way to showcase the colours of my stamp pads and keep them organized. Ranger provides a variety of inks and of course I have the dye inks, the distress inks and the pigment inks. Hey--they all serve a different purpose *blushes* My ink caddy is home to my dye inks. I love that it turns so easily.

All my cardstock is categorized by company and patterned paper by line/company. Some of these crop hopper containers have yet to be labeled. And for those of you who are horrified to see my scrapbooks on the bottom shelf, I will be moving them to higher ground some time today *grins*
You'll also notice some card holders from SU!--I store many of my cards in there, including cards I post online, cards that have been accepted for pub (and returned to me) and cards I create for others. Each box serves a purpose. I also have two boxes on the bottom shelf to store ribbon. Ummmm...I LOVE ribbon and while I am no Jody Morrow, I have enough to last me a lifetime. I purchased THIS awesome ribbon organizer from Taylored Expressions. Now all I have to do is find some extra time to sit and place the ribbon through the ribbon tags. That might require a night in front of the TV to help the time go by!

I store all my background stamps in this container for quick access.

The new LOVE of my craft room--my Making Memories embelishment center. Now I can store my paint dabbers, glitter, buttons, embossing powders, paint, embelishments, stickles, twinkling H20s and ribbon (my PTI ribbon). I have had my DREAM since my room was first unveiled and I look at it and dream up what comes next in my paper craft adventure--there is always something right because we DREAM and set goals. I'll talk about my new adventures in a future post.

As you can see I love containers and have even reused some of these MME glass containers to store other buttons.

I wanted to share a close up of the punches--which btw were mostly purchased through SU! but of course made by EK Success. You'll note that I hang them on the bars purchased from Ikea several years ago. They were the ones that came with the hanging containers (as you see below--it's a good place to store those hand punches, extra scissors etc).

I have several of these bins in my craft room and although they are not "pretty" they do a good job keeping my things organized. I have labeled them for quick access.

Gotta love the cuttlebug! I keep all my items close together and somewhat organized for convenience. You'll also notice the crop-a-dile and the fancy pink case!

I have a lot of these clear containers from Ikea (bought this summer). I store like items in each of them. The top one houses rhinestones etc as well as buttons, the bottom one houses Prima Flowers (you'll see more of those in a pic below)--hey a girl can't have enough of those BEAUTIFUL flowers--I am a self confessed addict! These boxes have yet to be labelled.

I have all sorts of Prima flowers and I have room to grow (those empty shelves look lonely right???)

I also have these little cloth boxes where I store my Wizard by Spellbinders (I use this tool a whole lot!), my alterable tins and other bits and pieces.

Chipboard, chipboard and more chipboard. Chipboard is fun but I find it difficult to store when publication comes to mind. When I use chipboard I want to know where I got it from. At this time I try and keep it by company but let me tell you it is hard!

I keep my Thickers (by American Crafts) together in this clear storage container from Ikea. It can be mounted to the wall but the reality we are moving soon so I didn't want to put too many holes in the wall *lol* I also have one for my rub ons too!

Mmmmmm Spellbinders. Gotta love that company and the genius behind this creation. I love all my embossing templates etc. they ROCK. My all time fav are nestabilities. Here are two ways I store them.

And here is how I keep the long nestabilities close'll also note my Creative Memories oval cutters from LONG ago.

I have lots of magazine holders in my room (you'll notice a few here and there). I often keep some of my fav ones in this holder. I picked it up from Jysk a few years back. you'll also notice a magnetic board beside it where I store odds and ends and a scrapbook page that requires a little more attention--if I keep it up and walk past it a few times eventually the light bulb goes and I know how to finish it then I store it away. Can you tell I LOVE Paper Crafts magazine?? Also, you may notice wooden stamps in plastic containers. I have an assortment of stamps from A*Muse and CHF and I keep them together using the plastic boxes that the PTI stamps arrive in. It's a good way to recycle what I already have and a perfect way to store those stamps and see what is in each of the boxes.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you liked my craft room tour. I can hardly wait to get it messy again :)
