Monday, June 30, 2008

Dino Congrats.

Another fabulous summer day. How are you all doing? Don't worry, I'll be checking your messages again soon.
I have a lot of little boy birthday and events coming up. I couldn't resist this one...this Basic Grey paper is SO cute. I've had it in my collection for a while and decided that before it becomes Archaic I better use it.
I also got an incling to make some more clear here goes nothing...

Stamp Set(s):
-Baby Love (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Black StazOn

-Clear sheets by CHF

Patterned Paper
-Archaic by Basic Grey
-Paper strip/dino by Scenic Route

-Ribbon (Noteworthy Collection) by Making Memories

I just wanted to send a shout out to my Grandma. Today's her birthday! Or if you ask her, her NON-birthday *lol*

Have a wonderful day.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Best Wishes.

You'll notice that the past few weeks my cards have been on the simpler side. I have been working FULL time trying to get my year end teaching things done--most notably report cards as well as preparing for some family time (hence the time away from the Internet). The summer weather is in full swing and we are going to enjoy the most of it while we all have a few days off together.
Anyways, my point is that simple is also fun. I have enjoyed looking for a variety of ways to use similar items.
BTW, that "green" ribbon like item is paper--a thin strip made to look like ribbon.

Stamp Set(s):
-Silhouette Blooms (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Pitch Black by Ranger

-White by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
- (Write Out) by We r Memory Keepers

-Chipboard (Write Out) by We R Memory Keepers

Make sure to check

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Did you miss me?

I am away from the Internet for the next little while BUT that being said I have some posts prepared for you...some good ones too. Make sure to check back daily for new card uploads as well as some AWESOME blog candy to help celebrate the summer. If you are e-mailing me, bare with me, I will check my e-mail/posts as soon as I have access again and respond to you as promptly as I can.

We just had the most amazing day today. I got to ride the chairlift with my kiddos and DH for the first time, got a wicked sunburn, ate lunch on top of the world, went shopping at lululemon, ate out at a restaurant (that rarely happens!), hung out with my brother (and his girlfriend), went swimming and the icing on the cake...went to Wall-E (we {loved} it and what a strong message too). If you can imagine the kids passed out as soon as we got through the door--I think I will be next although right now the air conditioning has revived me again.

Ok, so on with the card.

Stamp Set(s):
-"Cheers" from Birthday Centers (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF

-Pitch Black by Ranger

-White by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper:
-Noteworthy Circle Ledger by Making Memories

-Ribbon (Noteworthy) by Making Memories
-Chipboard Write Out by We R Memory Keepers

Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Emboss Tutorial

I had a request a few days ago for a tutorial on how to create the embossed look on my card. I just want to say that I am all for tutorials that show just how it is done. I am one of those learners. When I first got my wizard and nesties I seriously had some adventurous days ahead of me. After all, I was supposed to know what I was talking about right? Cause I design cards and post cards right? Ummmm no! You would have laughed at me. I actually thought I broke it after I heard the crack. In fact I think I managed to break something. Oh and NO ONE told me to hold the plates together as I was cranking it through that very first time. Yup...they flew across the room and almost dented the wall. Lesson=read the instructions. Ok, so I read the instructions and watched the video. You'd think I would learn. Unfortunately I need step 1/step 2/step 3...all those silly little details that practiced experts often leave out. The good news is once I learn I have it for life. I am just a little slow. So there you have it, I might look like I know what I am talking about but I also have to learn! learn! learn!

What you need:

Step 1--Place your embossing wizard thick mat--the white blcok mat block (the one that gets scratched up
--Next place the wizard emboss mat (the rubber mat)
--Then place your cardstock
--Followed by your Nestie
--Finally sandwich with the top wizard thick mat (the one without the scratches)

Step 2--Place together (like a sandwich) and crank through your wizard (or cuttlebug).
Tidbit: you get a better emboss with the wizard than the cuttlebug.

Step 3--Remove all layers and VOILA...embossed!

And here's a quick card too..

Stamp Set(s):
-Bitty Baby Blessings by PTI

-Noir Black by Palette

-Stampers Select White by PTI

Patterned Paper:
-from We R Memory Makers

-Pink Twill Ribbon
-Flower brad

-Spellbinders Nestabilities

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Why Not?

'Why not' is a slogan for an interesting life.
--Mason Cooley

Isn't that the truth? Always follow your dreams.

That sentiment is from Motivational Centers (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF. So as you can imagine I got creative...

Since I live by the ocean--the BIG WIDE OPEN ocean I thought this card was only suiting especially since we have the tall ships sailing by next month.

Stamp Set(s):
-Bold Curls (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Motivational Centers (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF

-Stonewashed by Ranger
-Denim by Ranger
-White by Clearsnap

-Suede Brown Dark by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-by Fontwerks

-Sailboat Chipboard from Biggest Board Tabs, Tags and Doodles by Fancy Pants Design

Make sure you stay tuned for tomorrow's tutorial and card showing you exactly how I made those embossed cards from yesterday's post.

Have a good one.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Card Variation.

Sometimes it takes "seeing" it to imagine variation from a card. Today I am posting five variations of "like" cards that I have created recently. I prepared these for the baby boutique in my community.


Stamp Set(s):
-Bitty Baby Blessings by PTI

-Noir Black by Palette

-Stampers Select White by PTI

Patterned Paper:
Scraps from We R Memory Makers

-Pink Twill Ribbon
-Flower brad

-Pink Gelly Pen
-Spellbinders Nestabilities
-Fiskars hole punch

I have a sweet lil' card to show you might even take sail!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Baby Carriage.

I helped organize a baby shower Saturday and have another one to attend today so I have been busy making cards and selling them too. Lots of baby girls :)

Stamp Set(s):
-Bitty Baby Blessings by PTI

-Noir Black by Palette

-Stampers Select White by PTI

Patterned Paper:
Scraps from We R Memory Makers

-Pink Ribbon by MM

-Pink Gelly Pen
-Spellbinders Nestabilities

Hope you are having a terrific Sunday.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Thank you ALL for entering my blog candy draw--I am SO excited about trying some new salads. Summer=salads.
Are you ready for the "click" of Now I have done MANY draws in my day and I seriously can't believe it but random actually picked #1. Does that EVER happen? What was that you say...when pigs fly??? Well you better look out the window because they must be flying *lol*

Congrats goes out to texasjodylynn who said...
I am trying my luck and crossing my fingers. :)

One of my favorite salad recipes is an asian chicken salad.
I know many people avoid #1 because it rarely gets picked. Perhaps next time you might "try your luck and cross your fingers" too *lol* *smiles* Jody, drop me your snail mail and I will get your mailboxes in the mail.
So that leads me to today's cards. Since I am in the middle of report cards I have been keeping things rather simple...or more complex if I have the time. It got me thinking a little...are you setting goals?

Why I ask this is because I noticed Nichole's most recent DT announcement and the shift of other designers out there. There are MANY talented people out there in the world. I see you ALL the time. One of the most frequent questions I get is how did you get into this? My answer: perseverance and goal setting. Decide what you want and go for it. Dream big. When you create, be yourself. Find your style. If you see a DT call, then see how your style fits with the company you are applying for. Not all companies have DT calls but I can say that if you {love} that company and their product let it be known (right Niki Estes??!--her stuff {screams} PTI and talent!).

So back to my cards. I created two cards. You'll note they are exactly the same. What separates them? The bling. Remember, when you sparkle you get noticed. Make each day your masterpiece.

Stamp Set(s):
-Bold Curls (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Motivational Centers (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF

-Espresso by Ranger

-Kraft by Prism Paper
-Smooth White by Prism Paper

-Gemstones by Hero Arts

Have a fantastic weekend!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Create Memories.

Isn't that what taking photos is all about? Have you been slow on the scrapbooking/stampbooking? Today I am encouraging you to break out those albums, blow off the dust and find those GORGEOUS photos. It's time to scrapbook and why not incorporate your fav stamps too and make it stampbooking?

Today's layout was my creative mess. I had all these FAB embellies and paper...not to mention cute pics that were just dying for a layout. I literally found the paper and the photos and just laid them on the table while I found some matchy match stuff. Do you see those photos? That is how I laid them on the paper when I was searching for the other things--I just left them as is. Have you ever done that? That is what I call my creative mess. I {heart} it!

A few close ups for you too...


Stamp Set(s):
-Surf board from Paradise Found (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF ***this set will be available again soon
-"Create" from Big Inspiration (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF
-Photo reels from Photo Op (The Rummage Bin) by CHF

-Espresso by Ranger

Patterned Paper
-Blue Lined Paper Wild Asparagus by MME
-{Note}worthy Spiral Journal Book Addie by MM

-Flowers from Essentials 4 by Prima
-"Memories" ;"Brackets" and "Swirl" Blue Awning Adhesive Chipboard by K&Co.
-Buttons from Deja View Collection by MME
-Mini White Paper Clip from Sharon Ann's My Sweet Girl by Deja Views
-Brown Brad from Who's Got the Button? by Bazzill Collection
-Ribbon by May Arts

Hope you have a WONDERFUL day. Don't forget to enter my draw below for your very own Mailbox Greetings stamp set.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blog Candy

I am so excited to offer up another Mailbox Greetings set by PTI. I have seen some wonderful creations with this set and look forward to seeing more.

In order to enter, just leave a comment telling me your fav salad recipe OR your all time fav stamp set (any company).
I will do the draw via on Thursday evening and post Friday morning--once I have posted a name/number/comment you have a week to claim your prize before I offer it to the next number drawn.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

For the "teach".

The end of the school year is almost here. This week is FULL of events and before I know it the kids will be out for summer--I can hardly wait!

As I mentioned yesterday the "mums" in our community got together Saturday evening. We had a few options and one of them was card making. I knew this would be a good time to work on some cards for the teachers.

Stamp Set(s):
-Making the Grade (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Quirky Alphabet (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Writing Paper Scrapblock (TM) by CHF

-Pitch Black by Ranger
-Cotton White Stazon
-Watermelon by Ranger

-Kraft by Prism Paper
-White by Prism paper

Patterned Paper
-Savannah Sailmaker Lane by Scenic Route

-Red Gingham Ribbon
-Flower by Prima
-Bauble by Stamping Bella
-White brad by 7Gypsies
-Letter Stickers by MM


-Rock n Roll

Have a terrific Tuesday.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I hope to post finds you well. I took a needed break yesterday--we just got home from a long journey and then I immediately packed up my things and headed for a ladies night out. We scrapbooked, made cards and chatted until the wee hours of the morning (4AM!!!--I haven't done that since I was in my 20s). Then today we attended a big Father's Day BBQ at our friends house.

So here it is, the last baby card for a bit.

I adore this sweet expectant couple...


Stamp Set(s):
-Expectafellabella by Stamping bella
-Congratulations from 1st PTI anniversary set

-Pitch Black by Ranger

-Vanilla by SU!

Patterned Paper
-Karen Neunburger

-Purple Twill Ribbon

-Copic Markers

I look forward to sharing a new creation with you tomorrow. Until then have a wonderful day.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just a little more Baby Love.

I am nearing the end of my baby card creations (oh there will be more don't worry!)...I only have a few more to show from my stamp time last week.

Stamp Set(s):
-Baby Love (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Pindot Scrapblock (TM) by CHF

-Pitch Black by Ranger
-White by Clearsnap
-Pink by Clearnsnap

-Kraft by Prism Paper
-White by Prism paper

-Pink Gingham Ribbon

-White Gel Pen
-Copic Markers
-Scallop Punch by EK Success


Hope you are enjoying the weekend!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Birthday Wishes.

I have no idea why my post didn't post first thing yesterday...sorry about that. Better late than never. I created this b-day card a few weeks back. I am pleased with how it turned out.

Today's card is inspired by colour. I just love this Scenic Route patterned paper from the Grafton Collection.

Stamp Set(s):
-Nature's Silhouette (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Silhouette Blooms II (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Espresso Ink
-Vintage Photo Distress Ink by Ranger
-Clover by Ranger
-Willow by Ranger

-Kraft by Prism Paper
-Intense Teal by Prism Paper
-Suede Brown Dark by Prism Paper
-Vanilla by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Hewitt Street (Grafton Collection) by Scenic Route

-Brad by 7Gypsies
-Flower by Prima Flowers Inc
-Brown and White Gingham Ribbon by May Arts

-Rock n Roll

Design Note
Size: 5x5

Have a wonderful day!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


I mentioned that our little town is full of babies. Well of course I am now ready for new babies with this retro inspired congrats card! I have a few friends who are talking "baby" and so I just keep saying any time now.

What you can't see is how this mum to be sparkles. I used a silver Copic Spica pen to add some glimmer to this radiant momma.


-Baby Love (Kim Hughes Collection)by CHF

-Pitch Black by Ranger
-Willow by Ranger

-Smooth White by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Polka Dot Wild Asparagus MME

-Flower by Prima

-Copic Markers
-Spica Pens by Copic
-Slit Punch by EK Success

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Stampbooking with the CHF Girls...

I just love that CHF hosts a scrap/sketch challenge every other week. I have created more layouts in the last few months than I have in YEARS! And I also have to say I am LOVIN' stampbooking. You know...stamping and scrapping combined? The more I stamp on my scrapbook pages the more I love it!

Here was today's sketch challenge...

And here is my take on it...

Stamp Set(s):
-Writing Paper Scrapblock (TM) by CHF
-Montana Cracked Earth Backgrounder by CHF
-Grid Paper Backgrounder by CHF

-Espresso by Ranger
-Pitch Black by Ranger
-Blue by Clearsnap
-Brown by Clearnsap

-Kraft by Prism Paper
-Smooth White by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Polka Dot/Brown Paper(
Adorable Collection) Wild Asparagus by MME
-Striped/Blue Paper (Adorable Collection) Wild Asparagus by MME

-Brown Gingham Ribbon by May Arts
-Chipboard "Laugh" and "stars" from Biggest Board Tabs, Tags, Doodles by Fancy Pants Designs
-Alphabet "my boy" grungeboard by Tim Holtz
-Felt Hearts by Fancy Pants Design
-Clear Clock by Heidi Swapp
-Bird Mirror by Heidi Swapp
-Brad by 7 Gypsies
-"5" Gaffer Tape Arithmetique Black by 7 gypsies
-Ric Rak Paper Frills by Doodlebug Designs Inc
-Clock Hands (buy them here)

Design Notes:
-I stamped backgrounders on the stars, the word laugh and on the bird (although it only looks black on my is actually a mirror)
-I used my Scrapblock (TM) to decorate my plain give it pizazz

Make sure you check out the other FABULOUS scrapbook pages too! These girls are on FIRE!!!

Have a wonderful day!

CHF Scrapbook Challenge Sneak Peak

Here is a sneak peak of my scrapbook page which will be revealed in full at 7AM PDT along with the rest of the CHF girls.

See you again soon!