Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some seasonal sparkle...

Yesterday was my wedding anniversary so I figured i'd take a day off to celebrate! It's not often that my DH has the day off (well actually he worked part of it but took part of it off). In the 8 years we have been married he has worked 6 of them.

So are you finished your holiday season 2008 cards yet? *lol* Don't forget to join our free online classes at CHF to help you finish up or even start some of those seasonal projects.

Close up...

Stamp Set(s):
-Suisse Tree (Aimee Nugent) by CHF
- Christmas Expressions (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF

-Herbal Garden Medium by Prism Paper
-Island Mist Dark by Prism Paper
-White by Prism Paper

-Clearsnap White

- Snowy Jo Collection Snowflowers by Imaginisce
- Sheer Ribbon with gold trim
-Adhesive Gems by K&Company
-Button (daydream collection) by MME

Have a good one!



Shelly said...

How fun Alli, love the non traditional colors!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you! Ours was yesterday also--29 yrs!!! Next yr will be the big one for us--all kids done with college and hopefully a nice trip for us to celebrate :) Congrats again.

retiredheather said...

Belated Happy Anniversary. I love the way you jewelled the christmas card.