This post will be at the top until Saturday April 14th so please
scroll down to view new posts.Here is...the loot!

You will receive:
- 2 Clear Stamp packages
- 1 Clear Stamp Mounting Block
- Some scalloped square punches
- 2 Prima Flowers
- 1 bundle of spotted ribbon
- 4 sheets of Basic Gray 6x6 Phoebe DP
- 1 handstamped original Alli Miles card
So how do you enter this giveaway???? As always, my subscribers get an extra entry!!! So if you aren't Feedblitz subscribed I would love to have you on board. Next...I have a question for you to answer. I am always looking for inspiration! What inspires you to create something new? I have seen this question answered many times but I am always up for more. I love to be FILLED with ideas...I was inspired to ask this question today after I visited
Michelle Wooderson's blog! Isn't she just the best cup of tea?!!! I love her keen eye for design.
You have until Saturday April 14th to enter. Check back Sunday morning for the winning entry drawn from website.
Thanks again for being there every day!!!
Because I love to stamp and you do too!
I feel honored to be the first to post...whoo hoo! What great blog candy...I'd love to win.
Inspiration to create comes to me when I am driving {strange, I know}...I often get some of my best thoughts on the road and have to pull over and record them in my journal.
Congrats on the height your blog has reached! Definitely worthy...I read your blog daily on my google reader...had too many subscriptions and HAD to lose the feedblitz.
Inspiration for me comes from many places. Sometimes I just "have" to shop for inspiration. Ikea is great for color combos! Other times it may be as simple as the SCS gallery or challenge of the day.
It looked like I would be first to comment (never been first before) but for some reason my first comment got lost and as come back to try again someone beat me to it.
What amazing blog candy - thanks for offering it.
I find so much inspiration from all who are so willing to share their creations on SCS, also from photographs.
I would definitely say reading blogs inspires me! There are so many ideas I hardly know where to start sometimes!
Very cool candy!! I guess the thing that inspires me the most is just seeing other people's gorgeous creations! I love to see what people come up with and it inspires me to try harder!
I would have to say blog surfing because what else do I do? Ha!
What inspires me alot of times is just seeing something unusual/different that someone else has done with a stamp, punch or other tool (or even paper). It makes me look at my supplies in a different light and wonder what other possibilities there are.
I would definately have to say that I get much of my inspiration from the SCS galleries and challenges, as well as blogs I visit. If it's absolutely gorgeous, or something different I haven't seen before, like a new fold, or a cute box, or ? I love to try it. Lately, I get excited over seeing CARDS MADE WITH PUNCHES!! I've seen some doozies and I just get all bubbly and try to make the same thing. I LOVE punchy animals.
For me inspiration comes from my daily dose of blog browsing... that's also how I decide what stamping products I "need" to buy.
Sometimes inspiration comes from seeing some color combo in a store or magazine, sometimes from a blog or display in a store. I keep several notebooks full of things I've cut out that inspire me.
Claudia F.
When I feel like my creativity is low and that everything I make looks the same, I turn to tutorials to try something new. I make a few items on the tutorials and that usually inspires me to become more creative! Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
Inspiration comes from all sorts of places... an advertisement, a book cover, a piece of ribbon, someone's outfit, blogs, galleries, magazines, tv, movies, items in the panty...
My inspiration comes from looking at blogs & SCS. I spend more time LOOKING than DOING!
I find inspiration from the many creative stampers who post on Splitcoast. What a great place to hang out.
Charmaine G
I get my inspiration from two sources. First from my son and my nieces and nephews (watching them play with colourful toys and listen to their talk) and then from superbley creative people like Allison!
Like many others, my daily "blurfing" gets my creative juices going. I use Google Reader too and have way too many blogs, but I HAVE to check in on them every day. My inspiration comes from new color combos that I wouldn't have thought of, or new ways to use that scrap piece of ribbon or background. There are way talented bloggers out there so willing to share. I am so proud to be a stamper!
Oh what fun! Congrats on your success.
I have recently been inspired by my 4 month old daughter's clothes. There are so many little details that make me think that would look good on a scrap page or card. I am thinking of scanning some of my favorite to use as background paper.
Nancy Grant
Fun blog candy - congrats on 20K!
What inspires me is listening to music and reading blogs like yours. I also read home design blogs that show cool textures, colors, modern lines. You can get a lot of ideas -the designs mirror what's going on in crafting ! All the fashion catalogs/magazines are great too for ideas-- esp for color combos!
Hi Alli! What great blog candy!
My inspirations comes to me from the neccesity of a card. I need a card to give to someone, and make it just for them!Denise B
My inspiration...the person who is getting the card or project. I think of the colors they'd like, or the images...I love creating for someone "in mind."
Well, along with your blog and 15 others that I have listed on my favorites to check out everyday, I get lots of inspiration from all of you fellow stampers out there. Everyone has such a different style and outlook on things. Things I would never think to try, like a new fold of a card or color combo or even embellishment. You guys are extremely talented! Congratulations on the 20,000 hits. I'm definitely a daily lurker! Thanks for letting us play for candy!
Tara Macfarlane (
My inspiration...the person who is getting the card or project. I think of the colors they'd like, or the images...I love creating for someone "in mind."
Congratulations! It's very well deserved - love your blog. My inspiration comes from different places but usually some pattern or color combination will catch my eye - I passed a big truck on the interstate once that was hauling pipes all stacked up and it made a pretty cool background - stuff like that! (and I love Google Reader to keep up with all the blogs!!)
Congrats! My inspiration comes from sitting down with the catty- usually late at night and sketching out a few layouts. I also get inspiration from patterned paper or patterns in the environment (clothes, towels, etc.)
Wow! Congratulations!
I get lots of inspiration from SCS, blogs, idea books & magazines. When I'm just playing, that is where I turn first...find something new and try it out. But I like it most when the work I do is directed toward a certain person. Then, I get my inspiration by paying attention to the lives of those around me and looking for reasons to share something with them.
I get lots of inspiration from fabric patterns, magazines, and the zillion blogs I puruse. Thanks
Wow ... cool blog candy! I love Primas and Basic Grey! Congrats on your 20000+ and your success with your blog! Most of my inspiration comes from the SCS galleries. I love the challenges they offer and it is always fun to see what everyone comes up with.
Woohoo for 20,000!! Wow!
Where do I get my inspiration? Everywhere...mostly blogs...there is soooo much out there and so little time to try it all!!
Wow, 20,000 views, that's incredible! Congrats!! You have such an amazing style and you ask what inspires me? I get inspired by all these talented bloggers! Thanks for sharing it!!
Wow, what a generous blog candy gift! You must be so proud of yourself for having such a large audience. Well Done.
Lately for new and fresh ideas, I check out all the ladies new fashions in the flyers that come to my door. I get new ideas for colour schemes and textures that I wouldn't normally think of. This has worked for me several times when I'm wanting to create a WOW card. thanks for reading this.
Inspiration come to me when I am looking at other people's blogs. But quite often it also come to me when I lay down at night, preventing sleep of course!
I am often inspired by clothing or furniture, sometimes just random bits I see around and then of course if I am card making I must find an occasion that fits the card idea or if I am scrapbooking I must photograph an activity that would scrapbook well with my theme.
fresh peices of printed cardstock inpires me to cut it up and create something. I hate a full page of paper. Cut snip tear!
Usually I look at my stamps and other things I have on hand and go from there. I went through a period of butterflies, the art of tea drinking, flowers, four little girls or four little animals to represent my sisters and me. Sometimes it is a stampset that I want to use, sometimess it is an embellishment that gives me an idea. I do a lot of looking on SCS and on blogs.
20000 is huge. WOW!!! One of my recent sources of inspiration is blog travel. I have blogs I browse often and then I will browse the blogs that those folks love. Especially on days like today when I can not sleep~LOL!
I get inspired by visiting blog like yours. When I see all the beautifyl cards that you all create, I want to create something myself.
My inspiration comes from reading the blogs and trying different techniques. I look forward to the blogs on my blog reader each day and I have you subscribed on it. I use the google reader. It is so neat to know when a blog gets updated. I love your work. Thanks for the time you put in.
Congrats on your hits! I have also subscribed.
Inspiration comes to me from many places and at the strangest times (like in the middle of the night lol). I find that browsing blogs, shopping and sometimes just looking at a certain photo determines whether I want to scrap it or do a mini book. Thanks for sharing and being a source of inspiration.
Alot of my inspiration comes from blogs, sometimes though it comes just from looking at some new patterned paper, like the one in your blog candy. I'm going to have to search for some of that paper in the stores around here. I've subscribed and I look forward to future updates.
Alli my inspiration comes from browsing sites and blogs on cardmaking/stamping. Colour is a big motivator for me and when I see a combo that I really like - that makes me want to create and use it too. I see wonderful colour inspirations from magazine advertisements on the latest fashion trends, perfume bottles, home decorating. Something will just jump right out at you and you think "I can use that!".
I don't know how long you have been posting cards but I discovered you about one month ago. You are now one of my favorite stampers. I love everything you make - - your cards are original and really catch my eye. Also, you post often so I love coming to your blog once or twice a day. Thanks for sharing.
I'm gonna be reeelly cheezy and say that "you" inspire me to make wonderful cards (even ordered some of that groovey ribbon you use)!!
First, congrats on reaching 20,000! That's terrific. I enjoy visiting your blog.
I find my inspiration in magazines and reading all the blogs...sooo many neat ideas there
blog surfing definatly inspires me, all you talented ladies out there!!! I am soooo thankful for you all!!!
Great blog, I check it out almost every day. My inspiration generally comes at night as I am trying to go to sleep. I play around with ideas of colors and layouts and occasionally I come up with something worth trying.
Hi Alli!
What wonderful blog candy to go with such a wonderful blog!! I can only hope to reach this point someday =) congratulations!
As for inspiration....I really think it comes from everywhere. Mostly blogging because there are so many fantastic ideas out there but also shopping and seeing all the new stuff and colors. The bathroom section is great...shower curtains..towels...=) I am also a quilter so fabrics are an inspiration too =)
Have a great weekend!
I often get some of my best inspiration just as I am waking or falling asleep,,, I really do dream stamping,,, for over 15 years now,,,
Thanks for the awesome blogcandy offer :)
Reading Blogs and browsing Splitcoast inspires me. I love looking at what other people are creating. So many great ideas and tutorials to see.
I always look forward to the wonderful updates on your Blog. Thanks for sharing.
My inspiration usually comes from other incredible stamp artists like yourself. Otherwise...I occasionally get inspired by magazines or other things I see while out.
Great contest, and thanks for allyour inspiration!
What inspires me? There are a variety of things--colors I see outside, the smell of spring in the air, RAK's by others (whatever they may be), and a fresh outlook on life.
I know those things are kind of airy, fairy, but It ry to keep an open and positive mind, and that opens my eyes to the beauty in the world around me--thus my inspiration.
Thanks, Janet B
Wow, tough question. Inspiration for me comes in many forms. I'm often inspired by the music I listen to. Sometimes it's a picture in magazine or a card on someone's blog (like yours!) or an article of clothing. It's whatever hits me at the time. Ida
Wonderful candy! Inspiration comes to me through blog surfing. I have my favorite blogs I visit each morning to get inspired to stamp (yours, of course, is on my list!). I also sometimes wake up in the morning with ideas I just need to sketch out on a pad next to the bed. Mornings are definitely my most creative time - before the day's activities take over.
Great candy! Well what enspires me is looking at other peoples blogs and gallerys on forums.
I really do get inspired from visiting all these wonderful blogs. I get encouraged to try new techniques and revisit old ones.
I'm a subscriber and absolutely love your blog. Thanks for the sweet blog candy offer. I get my inspirations from SCS and great blogs like yours.
I get my inspirations from blogs, clothes, furniture, ideas that just come to me.......
Thanks for the blog candy offer. I love visiting your blog.
A well made card always inspires me. I appreciate a card with a balanced layout and good colour co-ordination. A touch of embellishments is always nice on a simply elegant card.
WOW big numbers! Someone will have fun with those goodies!
Congrats on the success of your blog! I enjoy reading it. I get my inspiration from the usual sources - magazines, reading blogs, etc. But I also recently joined a card club of a few women who meet monthly and swap cards and am always amazed to see their creativity on the same theme. Thanks for asking!
Oops! I forgot to put my name on the last comment! Thanks, Jackie W.
Inspiration to create comes to me from so many different places but mainly just life and living it. I do surf the web lots check out many blogs and sites. Get many mags but truthfully a stamp and paper will just take off and just take their own path for me at times when creativity is at high level.
My inspiration comes from something I experience visually. Although I do get ideas from blogs, websites, and magazines, the majority of them come from something I see in nature. Or often a lovely piece of fabric will give me ideas for color combos. Thank you for the opportunity to win some yummy blog candy:)
Linda SS
I love your blog! My inspiration mostly comes from others (ie their blog or SCS posts or some other site) I sketch layouts that jump out to me & incorporate them into designs that have been brewing for a bit. I also make cards specifically for people, so I think about the occasion, the person, what they like, etc.
Hi Alli; LOVE your blog. And what great candy to offer!
I won't subscribe via feedblitz 'cause I use Google Reader to get notice when you have a new post.
I really get my inspiration from the projects others make from Blogs I read and SCS gallery additions. I pick out the pieces or techniques that I like in a given project and try to find ways to incorporate it into my next project. I do the same with scrapbooking. More recently, I've started recognizing and noting color combinations that I see during the day at work, or while shopping.
Creation, wow, what a question, I am not totally sure, i love looking through other people's blogs and Splitcoast, and Magazines and then things usually pop into my head!!!!
My inspiration comes from all the wonderful blogs I search each day, as well as SCS. There are so many talented stampers/scrappers to get my creative juices flowing!
I love your blog, it is in my top 5 of blogs I check everyday and I love that you post everyday. Your creations are one of my inspirations along with other bloggers. I usually think up card designs while I am falling asleep at night, although sometimes I forget them by the morning!!
Geny C.
Surfing other blogs and the SCS gallery inspire me, but also a couple of mags I read, The Rubberstamper and the Take Ten.
You have some awesome projects here, I'm glad I surfed over! (I also just added your blog to my Feedblitz subscription.)
color! color! color! This is what inspires me the most. Any designer paper is inspiration for me too. Can't wait to get into your blog. Thanks for offering the blog candy too:)
barb hendrickson
Wow! 20000, congratulations! I get most of my inspiration from the many blogs I visit. You all are so talented.....
OHHHHHH HOw I so want to win that blog candy, especially since it is being posted on my birthday..........I absolutely love your site and it is no wonder it has reached such great success. Inspiration from me, usually comes from something I see while in the car, sometimes from magazines and definitely from SCS
what inspires me to create something new?, well, That create something new... to see how it will look when I finish the project and make better things every day!
Bety :)
I've been inspired by looking through trade mags, other mags, even by couches on tv shows (thank goodness for my dvr...It was a spotted pillow on the set of Joey...where did that show go? I digress.) Two days ago, I was inspired by a piece of artwork one of my first grade students gave me!
Great blog candy. I hope I win.
I just subscribed to your awesome blog, I am also linking you to mine.
A lot of my inspiration comes from blogs just like yours. I feed off of others. I also am inspired by COLOR. If I see my scraps on the floor after a day of scrapping something might catc my eye and the I am stamping away again.
I am inspired by magazines and sketch challenges. Thanks for sharing your blog with us:)
I would say blogs and Split coast. I see something that sparks my imagination and off I go.
It's a good life!
What great blog candy! There are so many things that inspire me....surfing the web, magazine ads, a t-shirt name it and it inspires me. And a lot of times when I'm laying in bed at night and my eyes are closed ideas pop into my head. Sounds crazy, I know!
I have to agree that reading blogs inspires me. I am always looking for new blogs I haven't read before and stumble across things that make me want to create.
TANDRA said.....
Hi Alli! I tried 7 TIMES to subscribe to your blog, (I am subscribed to 2 others), and everytime I put in the word verification letters/numbers, it kept coming back saying I did it wrong, when I made sure that each letter was correct. Oh well...! :)
I get my inspiration usually from a picture, an ad, or grouping of colors, or fabrics, or usually something RANDOM will pop into my head,say at 2:00 in the morning!! haha
I love your blog!!
Tandra Boyer
Congrats on reaching 20000+
I get inspiration from all sorts of places, obviously there is heaps of inspiration online esp with places like SCS and all the great blogs around (yours included). Inspiration can also come from the things around us; magazines; tv; papers; all sorts of things
What sweet candy you are giving away. The lucky winner will feel like they won the Stamping Lottery. My inspirations come from so many places. There are so many creative minds out there that are so willing to share their creations on blogs and SCS. Sometimes it could me as simple as a stamp set, paper, or just an embellishment.
Inspiration comes from pictures I see and a quiet area to think....I love serenity when I get it....Liann M.
Okay I usually get my inspiratin from the SCS and SUDSOL galleries but recently I have been listening to convention CD's featuring Karen G., Christina Crawford, and Leadership CD's shared by my upline with Julie Salva and Erin Stevens. I have gotten so much inspiration from these girls that I am having my first workshop 4/20 since listening to these girls and I am hoping for a great turnout not only in sales but workshop you not only get inspiration from great cards and projects...I know it's happened to me!
I love your blog and look forward to reading it every day.
Inspiration to create comes from reading blogs, SCS Galleries and tutorials that fellow stampers are so gracious to share with us.
For me my insiration comes from reading other peoples blogs and from SCS. I usually intend to do a combonation of elements taken from different cards I like. Unfortunatly I end up finding so many I like, I can't decide what to do. I also like to get color combos from Vera Bradley bags. LOVE those bags!
Sometimes I just sit down and let my stamps inspire me. Other times I use magazine clippings. Sometimes, with or without realizing it, other people's work inspires me.
Wow, congrats on reaching another milestone with your blog! Sa-weet Candy too!I love checking in here for the inspiration, as well as other talented SCSers.
My favorite place for inspiration comes from hitting the fabric/quilt store and quiltbooks. There's always a great color combo, or design that i like, and use for a starting point.
I usually get inspiration from a stamp set and deciding what else I want to add, ie ribbon, eyelets, brads, paper piercing, etc. I also enjoy seeing creations at SCS!
My inspiration comes from my greatest blessing, my 5 yr. old daughter.
Melissa R.
Inspiration comes to me when I'm least looking for it. A walk in the park and I see a child with a balloon or a butterfly fluttering around a flower.
Congratulations on obtaining over 20,000 hits on your blog. I'm still trying to get my first 1,000!
I am inspired by a lot of things such as splitcoaststampers, SU idea catelog & site, reading blogs, sometimes just looking at colors, patterns in magazine articles. I do love the challenges on SCS..when I really need some creative inspiration I'll join in one of the challenges
congratulations on your blog. I check it daily and really enjoy seeing all your card designs.
I'm inspired by architectural magazines. Since I'm in the industry, I see them all the time and can't help but be inspired.
I LOVE your blog and the inspiration you give to me! I would love to with this blog candy!
I get a lot of my inspiration from Splitcoast and great blogs.
Thanks! Maria
What wonderful blog candy!
My inspiration comes from magazine ads...internet resources and clothing..for colour combos...Everywhere you are...there's a source of inspiration waiting to be discovered!
Sheri in BC. :)
I just love your blog! For inspiration, I like to look at clothes! I always get inspired when I see the new and fresh color combos they are using on clothes!
Laurie S.
Wow! Love the blog candy. I get inspired just looking at colors and reading other people's blogs.
CONGRATS on your blog numbers! But really is their any question why? your stuff is georgeous and inspires me. I have to agree with others, patterned paper and other artists inspire me. Also special occasions such as someones birthday and I try to make a card that fits their personality and they take off from there. cool candy, would love to win it!!
Hope it's not too late to enter!
I just try to make a point to look around at diffent patterns and colors whenever I go out. I carry a little notebook to write everything right when I see it. :)
Magazine ads, fabrics are an inspiration for color combos, hard to pinpoint inspiration for an idea, sometimes it's just there.
Ilene B.
Hey Alli,
I get my inspiration from other stampers. I see a layout, color combo or stamp they have used and copy it with my own twist. I also am starting to see inspiration outstide of the new starbuck mugs....they look like doodle this. LOL! I know, I know
Love ya girl
i'm looking in blogs, forums and gallery. I'm find lots of inspiration in books, magazin, and in the nature.
Just found your blog a few minutes ago - you are very clever!
I find inspiration from SCS forums, magazines, etc. Just made the "box from 1 sheet" from the SCS new tutorial - ended up making 8 of them, 2 sizes, some stamped, some from great printed 12x12 paper. Made 1 of each size - didn't put them completely together so I could mail flat to a friend who visited from out of state last week - gave her directions so she could use as a pattern and also put together for herself.
Great blog candy! My insperation comes mostly from reading other blogs - seeing an idea and then usually making many changes and finally coming out with my own design.
I gotta say that I love the SCS challenges.. It is what motivates me recently.
What awesome blog candy! Inspiraton for me comes from nature, and viewing other works, especially great blogs like yours. I love to let my mind wander while I work and try to combine things I wouldn't have tried together before. Thanks for blogging and letting us enjoy your work!
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