Monday, March 31, 2008

CHF Challenge Chicks #1

Today's theme was FLOCKING!!!! Don't we all love that fluffy stuff? Flocking is the CHF product spotlight until Thursday night and if you missed Kristine’s flocking tutorial
you may want to check that out as well. She provides some excellent tips and ideas for using flock. Even I learned a thing or two.

A while back, Julie Campbell shared an ingenious idea about colouring flock using the copic airbrush system. She went on to say that with the airbrush system, copic markers and white flock you could create ANY colour flock. Well of course I had to give it a whirl.

Close up (I coloured the outer flock using the copic airbrush system)

Stamp Set(s):
-Pretty Pattern Backgrounder by CHF
-Classic Essential Expressions (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF

-Pitch Black by Ranger
-Oregano by Ranger

-Razzleberry Dark by Prism Paper
-Spring Willow Medium by Prism Paper

-Copic Markers
-Chipboard Sticker by Amy Butler
-Chipboard Hearts by Making Memories

-Copic Airbrush System

Card Size:

For even MORE flocking ideas check to see what the other designers have come up with. Here are the links to their designs…

Alli Miles, Kim Hughes, Lesley Langdon, Dawn Lusk, Lori Craig, Lisa Silver, Julie Campbell, Lisa Strahl, Kristine Reynolds, Sherrie Siemens

Hope you are having a super day!

A Birthday Card...

The talented Kim Hughes has a new release coming out both on the 1st of April (stamp of the month) and the 3rd of April! I have my fingers crossed that I receive my stamps in time. Make sure you check out the CHF team's blogs for fabulous sneak peaks.

Inspired by the Kim Hughes releases, I decided to dig through my collection and find some stamps that needed some inkin'! Hence cutie pet-tootie two days in a row.

Stamp Set(s):
-Cutie Pet-tootie (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Tag You're It! (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Black by Ranger

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper
-Suede Brown Dark by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Magnolia by MME

-Copic Markers

-Corner Rounder

It's the start of a new week! Have a great day.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cutie Pet-Tootie

No sooner had I had mum post my blog update did I get my service back (within 40 minutes). We have been without the Internet since 1PM yesterday afternoon. I was in the middle of doing my online school work when it just "disappeared". After contacting our local friends we found out it was a community event *lol* and several had called Telus to find out that there was maintenance going on, the second time in two weeks. It would be nice if they gave us advance notice--at least I could schedule a post or two!

Anyways, I am going to share the card I had planned to share with you Saturday. The layout is simple and the fun was in the colouring. I just {heart} my Copics!

Stamp Set(s):
-Cutie Pet-tootie (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Tag You're It! (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Eggplant by Ranger

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Magnolia by MME

-Precious Metal Hardware by We R Memory Makers
-Copic Markers

-Corner Rounder

I hope you have a terrific day! I am glad to be back. As funny as it sounds, life sure comes to a halt without the Internet--when your job depends on it. On the bright side, the sun came out today and the kids and I went for a bike ride, played at the park and went for a walk.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Internet Server Is Down

I am writing via my Mum (I am on the phone telling her how to update my blog) to tell you that my internet service will be down until Sunday/Monday.
Your emails are important to me, I will reply asap.
Thank you for your patience.
Have a great weekend.


Friday, March 28, 2008

An elegant hello

This is just a quick card today--it's been a busy teacher kind of day.

Today's card was inspired by all these rub-ons I have laying around in my stamp room. Don't forget, rub-ons have an expiry date. They don't last forever! They dry out.

Anyways, since the sun and flowers have been non existent this week I decided to create my own!

Stamp Set(s):
-Silhouette Blooms I(Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Pretty Pattern Backgrounder by CHF

-Eggplant by Ranger

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper
-Majestic Purple Light by Prism Paper
-Majestic Purple Dark by Prism Paper

-Precious Metal Hardware by We R Memory Makers
-Ribbon by May Arts
-Misc Rub-ons

Thank you ALL for your sweet comments in regards to my gift from mum. We've talked on the phone a few times and she was so overwhelmed with joy as she read each comment too.

Have a super day and have a great weekend too!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

My present and a card!

Edited to add: Just after midnight last night I hit post. Would you believe that 30 seconds before that the server went down? I spent 45 minutes waiting for it to come back and it didn't. I guess it's better late than never. *smiles*

I am exhausted and excited about this post! I have just spent 12 hours away from home with 1/3 of that in a vehicle driving. We spent a wonderful day with family so it was worth it. On the way to our destination I met with my mum for a few minutes. My b-day is coming up and since she knew she wouldn't see me on my birthday she decided to give me my present early. The funny thing about my mum is once you have the present in your hand you have to open it. I totally get it...especially since mum's b-day presents are always personal presents. Do you want to see what she gave me??? Let me prepare you...I was verklempt ...

She had my very first stamp set framed!!! She ordered it, she took a stamping/scrapbook lesson and put this together for me. Is that not the sweetest thing? I am so blessed!!! I plan to place it above my desk so that I can look at it every day. Thank you so much mum!! I love you.

I also want to thank Jennifer from Scrapbookin Adventures for her part in orchestrating this too!

So now onto today's card...

Stamp Set(s):
-Supah Star (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Black by Ranger
-Cranberry by Ranger

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Mayflower by Rusty Pickle

-Pitch Black Acrylic Paint Dabber by Ranger (used on the guitar)

-Star Punch by EK Success
-Corner Rounder by EK Success


Have a supah star day!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Another Baby Boutique Card

Yes, it's another baby boutique card. This time a little more masculine *grins*

I absolutely adore this sweet ducky from A*Muse stamps. Again, this small image is perfect for both a quick card and a baby card. Don't you just want to squeeze him???

paper: Stampers Select White Cardstock by Papertrey Ink, Kraft by SU!, Blue by Bazzill
patterned paper: Chatterbox
ink: Pitch Black by Ranger
stamps: Welcome Little One by A*Muse Art Stamps,
Ducky by A*Muse Art Stamps
accessories: Copic Markers
tools: Paper Piercer

Have a terrific day!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Some tidbits for you and a contest/giveaway

A little while ago I mentioned I would LOVE to see what you have been making with both Shapes by Design and Wedding Day. You all never cease to amaze me--your creations are beautiful and seriously bring tears to my eyes. Here is a Wedding Day beauty I came across today...check it out HERE.

Starting today and for the two weeks, if you create a *new* card/project/scrapbook page with either Shapes by Design or Wedding Day and would like to participate in a drawing for some cool PTI prizes please link them back to my blog (if you post them on your blog) and upload them over at Splitcoaststampers using the keywords PTISBD1 (Papertrey Ink Shapes By Design 1) or PTIWD1 (Papertrey Ink Wedding Day 1) The winner will be drawn from the projects posted in the SCS gallery through and will be announced the morning of Wednesday April 9th. I can hardly wait to see what you create. Note: I am leaving it open for two weeks because I know it takes at least 2-3 weeks for us Canadian gals to get our sets!
You'll find a quick link to this post on the right side bar so if it takes you a few days/week to post and you forgot what the codes or instructions are you can easily find this post!

Don't forget, Wedding Day by PTI is also IDEAL for scrapbook pages, anniversary cards, anniversary celebrations too...I have also been working on a "love/valentine" card and wedding scrapbook page which I will reveal some time in the next week.

In other news I just wanted to direct you to a really COOL site called Inspirational Craft Blogs
You'll probably notice work from lots of bloggers you already know...I just want to thank Kristy because I was featured on Inspirational Crafts Blogs!

Who Loves You?

The animals/birds from the Kim Hughes Collection from Cornish Heritage Farms is one of my all time fav stamp collections. I love the whimsical yet playful nature of her "animal/bird" sets.
When I saw the call for buttons on Papercrafts March Gallery Challenge I knew I needed to create a nest full of them and WHO better than to watch over them than a wise old mother owl!!!

Stamp Set(s):
-Owl and sentiment from U R A Hoot (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF
-Nest from Pretty Birds (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Brillance Graphite Black by Tsukineko

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper
-Suede Brown Dark by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Loverly Heart by Pebbles Inc

-Copic Markers
-Buttons (Tres Jolie Collection) by MME

-Sewing Machine

The weather was tolerable all of yesterday--gray and lots of rain but at least we had power so I am not complaining *smiles*.

Have a terrific day! Make it one that really counts.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Late you say?

We had a fierce windstorm with rain, hail and snow and lost power while I was cooking our Easter meal at 2PM yesterday. The power was restored just before midnight. I cooked Easter dinner on the BBQ in that bad weather. We didn't get to eat until 8:20. The kids ate PBJ sandwiches for dinner and I layered their clothes and blankets since we only have electric heat and then sent them to bed. It was a long night and definitely no crafting or Internet time for me. I promise to have something to share with you tomorrow.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Wishing you all a blessed Easter.

You'd think with an opening like that I would have an Easter card to show you but I don't! My friend Ang is opening her baby boutique in a few weeks time so I am working on some more cards for her store. I could hardly resist this sweet Elzybells Princess!!! I had a productive day of colouring and layout prep...I will be good to go for mass production this week.
One thing I absolutely LOVE about A*Muse and Elzybells is how quick it is to colour the images...and their petite size makes them ideal for "kids/baby cards".

paper: Stampers Select White Cardstock by Papertrey Ink, Kraft by SU!
patterned paper: Paper Salon
ink: Pitch Black by Ranger, Hazlenut by Ranger
stamps: Princess by Elzybells Art Stamps, Birthday Wishes by A*Muse Art Stamps, Pretty Pattern Backgrounder by CHF
accessories: Flower and Button by Prima, Copic Markers
tools: Sewing machine, Photo Corner Punch by EK Success

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hello Dear Friend...

Just a quick post to share some of my favourite things. While I was at CHA I attended a couple of classes and had some leftover supplies. I decided my Prima stuff needed some lovin'--patterned paper, ribbon, primas...

Today's card was first inspired by my supplies but also my mum who told me I am using too much blue, white and brown *lol* I am guilty and I know it--those are my favs!!!! She told me I had to go bold. Well ORANGE and PINK are just about as bold as colours can get. Are you happy mum?

Once I got started on my card I knew I reached for some awesome CHF stamps created by my dear friend Mona Lisa. Did you know she designs lots of the backgrounders? And how about those fab Classical Essential Expressions and Cardmaker's Shapes? She is a creative genius I tell you.

Stamp Set(s):
-Classical Essential Expressions (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF
-Cardmaker's Shapes (Mona Lisa Moments) by CHF
-Pretty Pattern Backgrounders by CHF

-Oregano by Ranger
-Pitch Black by Ranger
-White Colourbox Queue by Clearsnap

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Urban Cosmos by Prima

-Flowers by Prima
-Ribbon by Prima
-Button (Tres Jolie French Kiss) by MME

-Sewing Machine

Card Size:

Design Note:
-Tear edges by folding and creasing the paper

You know...the more I look at this card the more I think Julia is starting to rub off on must be the sewing machine *wink*

Have a terrific day...hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Let's Celebrate...

I am celebrating today because I sewed my first card all on my own with my new JANOME!!!!!!!!
A little while back I was doing my daily peruse when I noticed Gina K was offering some blog candy. Yup, you guessed it, a sewing machine! Gina K had featured the "how to's" of sewing over the course of a few days and awarded one lucky reader a Janome. I could hardly believe it when I saw my name posted on her blog. I was literally jumping up and down. I have wanted a Janome forever but you can't buy them in Canada (although I received an e-mail from someone recently who says they may be available soon).
I have won a few things in my of them being a 30lb chocolate bar when I was 14 (I gave it ALL away),a backyard firepit (*lol* I won that from our local grocery store this past's still in the box!) and now this beautiful Janome sewing machine. This is the first time I have won something really useful ( the BBQ pit is something useful...but it suits DH more than me *lol*). I am FOREVER grateful to Gina...she has changed the course of my card creations...just you wait.

Do you see who is teaching me in the background there?? Thanks Gina!!!!

Since I am still rusty at this you will have to forgive my crooked lines. I think after a few whirls with the sewing machine I will get the hang of it. I am just thankful I could thread the thing let alone sew on a card. One thing I have learned after being a blogger and a blog hopper is that we all grow with time...hopefully you will see that translate into good sewing down the road *lol*

See...I am still learning *wink*


Stamp Set(s):
-U R A Hoot (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Brillance Graphite Black by Tsukineko

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper
-Nautical Blue Light by Prism Paper
-Suede Brown Dark by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Cool Pool Chatter and Penguin Paradise (A Shore Thing) by Imaginisce

-Copic Markers
-Prima Flower
- Flower Patch CreamFlower by We R Memory Keepers
- Brenda Walton Metal Brads by K & Company

-Cuttlebug and Circle Die by Provocraft
-Sewing Machine

Designer Note:
-I paper pieced the balloon behind the owl using coordinating patterned paper

Have a super day!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I have been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to use both the Rejoice Circle stamp by CHF and patterned paper by MME so it only seemed fitting that I use them together.

re·joice (rÄ­-jois')
v. re·joiced, re·joic·ing, re·joic·es

v. intr.
To feel joyful; be delighted: rejoiced at the news; rejoiced in her friend's good fortune.

v. tr.
To fill with joy; gladden.

Aren't we all so lucky to have joy in our lives? It doesn't mean life is easy and it doesn't always seem like joy is present (especially through the rough times)...but if you look hard enough you'll find it.

I {heart} this stamp!!!!! And today I am soaking in His joy.

Stamp Set(s):
-Rejoice Circle(Aimee Nugent) by CHF

-Cranberry by Ranger
-Espresso by Ranger

-Vanilla Cream by Prism Paper
-Suede Brown Dark by Prism Paper
-Tawny Light by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-No. 2 Tiny Dots Paper (Out & About) by MME

-Ribbon by May Arts

-Nestabilities by Spellbinders

Designer Note: I cut the chipboard with my nestabilities classic circle and then cut out a matching circle and placed it over top before stamping the Rejoice Circle now you get a sneak peak at my office space. Now remember I am a school teacher so in the next few days you will notice the "teacher" in me...not to mention the reference materials I have in my room. I still have lots of mess to put together so this is all you get today *lol*

Some *kind of before* photos (this was taken in WAY better light--daylight)...this was my craft space about a year ago...lots of SU! stuff

This was my space on my desk...I had to drag LOTS of things to my desk because what you see in that top picture was across the room from me.

Now my desk is in the corner across the room and surrounded by my goodies *smiles* No more walking the distance!!! And yes...still some empty shelves to fill up and lots of labels because I have a little of everything now.

Here is my desk (it was dark when I took this photo)! I spend MANY hours at this desk both crafting and working online. Do you see those daffodils? They came from my garden which is AMAZING because the deer ALWAYS eat them before I see them. DH was cleaning the kids' outside toys today (they turn green because of the's really WET and DAMP here in the winter...okay always!!!) and noticed them and picked them for me. As you can see I surround myself with pics of my family. Now that is something to rejoice in! Okay...I promise to do photo retakes tomorrow once things are settled. And seriously I LOVE this new layout in my room. I just wish I had the real before pics.

Have a super day.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

An Egg for You...

in the midst of chaos (an upside down craft room), I found a few minutes (and a few supplies for that matter) and participated in the sketch challenge over at SCS.

Stamp Set(s):
-An Egg for You(Asela) by CHF
-Happy Easter (Asela) by CHF

-Brillance Graphite Black by Tsukineko

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper
-Vanilla Cream by Prism Paper
-Baby Blue Medium by Prism Paper
-Spring Willow Light by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Dot Ice by Lil Davis Designs
-Dot Vanilla by Lil Davis Designs

-Copic Ciao Markers
-Prima Flowers

-Nestabilities by Spellbinders
-Copic Airbrush System
-Spiral Punch

I hope to have some photos of my craft space very soon...I still have lots of work ahead of me...

My Craft Room...

I am working hard to revamp my stamp room to make stamping more efficient(that means no time to post a card right now)...I promise to share photos with you later today and if I get a chance a card too. Would you believe I forgot to take photos of the before (agh!)?! If you have ANY tips you would like to share for organizing PLEASE do so. I will be sharing many tips with you too *smiles*

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Some fluffy bunnies....

Today's post is very early...

Asela's ADORABLE bunnies and chicks (available through CHF) were calling my name, especially with Easter approaching. And since all bunnies deserve a fluffy tail I had to use my white flock from CHF to enhance their tails!!! Make sure you check out the gallery to see all the beautiful creations using Asela's Easter stamps.


Stamp Set(s):
-Bunny Basket (Asela) by CHF
-Happy Easter (Asela) by CHF

-Brillance Graphite Black by Tsukineko

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper
-Vanilla Cream by Prism Paper

Patterned Paper
-Tres Jolie by MME

-Copic Ciao Markers
-Baubles by Bella
-Flock by CHF

-Nestabilities by Spellbinders

Have a super day!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Wedding Anniversary

When I create stamp sets I think about: 1) it's use 2) it's versatility 3) it's ability to be built upon--I can't wait to show you what I mean!!! *wink* 4) it's ability to be used with existing product.
I created Wedding Day with the intention of making it REALLY useful. I included some sentiments in this stamp set that would be ideal for celebrating a wedding anniversary too since I know that wedding anniversaries are just as important as your wedding day--especially when you hit milestones like 10, 25, 40, 50, etc. In many of these cases, couples like to renew vows or come together with family and friends to celebrate these milestones and as such create invitations to invite everyone.

Before I share my wedding anniversary invitation with you today I just want to send a HUGE thanks out to all of you...for your support and your compliments. I also want to send out a thanks to all the PTI Designers who did an INCREDIBLE job with Wedding Day in the PTI gallery. I can't tell you enough how much it makes me smile when I see your creations using a stamp set I have created. It brings tears to my eyes. So keep it up and PLEASE, if you get a moment, send me a link to your card(s)/projects. I would love to see them.

The Inside of the Card

This is a quick card and easily reproducible.

Step 1
I cut the card to 5.25x5.25 and layered the card front a 1/4 smaller (the white paper is 5x5 and the patterned paper is 4.75x4.75) and rounded the corners of those layers.
Step 2
I cut a .5 strip of gold paper and layered ribbon over top.
Step 3
I stamped the oval and the filigree flourishes followed by "wedding" and "anniversary" and then cut out the oval.
Step 4
I adhered all layers with regular adhesive and the oval with pop dots. I also adhered the inner invitation with pop dots too.


paper: Stampers Select White Cardstock by Papertrey Ink, Gold by SU!
patterned paper: Fifth Avenue (Manhattan) by Autumn Leaves
ink: Black Palette, Sahara Sand by SU!
stamps: Wedding Day (Urban Design) by Papertrey Ink
accessories: Sheer Polka Dot Ribbon by May Arts, Pop Dots
tools: Small Corner Rounder by EK Success

Yes...I know that the 25th wedding anniversary is Silver *smiles*...I just didn't have silver cardstock.

Take Note: I have stamped on CDs and used them in my DVD player without a problem HOWEVER I am not an expert about this kind of thing. Today I received an e-mail from Carol G who said this about my stamped CDs:

What a creative idea. I would like to make a suggestion if I may. Many types of inks (even water based)can react to the protective coating on CDs and especially DVDs. This reaction can damage the contents of the disc and even make it unplayable. These effects can take a few months to become apparent. To be on the safe side use printable discs (they have an extra protective coating) or better still use a DiscPainter disc printer to safely label your CDs/DVDs.

I thought you might like to know I said, I have had no problems so far.

Have a terrific day!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Inchie love..

have you fallen for them yet? I remember the first time I saw that word (thanks Ellen, Sharon, Debbie) and wondered how long it would be before this new trend was all the rage. Of course when you have fab designers like these gals who are creating irresistible images and cards using inchies I knew it was only a matter of time.

After a few busy days, I was more than delighted to get back to the basics and attempt my first inchie.

The Kim Hughes collection by Cornish Heritage Farms has some fabulous little images that are just perfect for inchies. One of the most ideal sets is A Welcome Hug

Stamp Set(s):
-A Welcome Hug (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Pitch Black by Ranger

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper
-Nautical Blue Light by Prism Paper

-Copic Ciao Markers

-Nestabilities by Spellbinders

Card Size: 3x6

Stamp Set(s):
-A Welcome Hug (Kim Hughes Collection) by CHF

-Pitch Black by Ranger

-White Prismatic by Prism Paper
-Nautical Blue Light by Prism Paper

-Copic Ciao Markers
-Clear button
-Gingham Ribbon from Michaels
-Stitches by Cosmo Cricket

-Nestabilities by Spellbinders

Hope you have a terrific day. Stay tuned tomorrow to see how you can use Wedding Day from Papertrey Ink for anniversary celebrations too!

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Wedding Stamp Set goes to...

Wendalyn said...

I've enjoyed your idea's they are gorgeous. I can't wait to see the fulls which is #1 on my list... Keep up the amazing work.

Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! Please send me your snail mail!

The winner of ....

all of my wedding creations is...

stampmonkey who said...

Oh! I would SO love to win these items, Alli!! My oldest daughter is getting married on 08.08.08, and I'm going to attempt to CASE your invitation for her (and many of the other items look like possibilities too!). It would be awesome to have the 'real deal' in front of me while I figure this whole wedding thing out. ;)

Thanks so much for all the inspiration and the chance at winning.

Congrats!!! Please send me your snail mail and I will box those up and get them out to you on Monday.

Wedding Day (1)b

Well this is it...the last post before the release. Thank you so much for following along with me the past few days. When I first created this set, I can't tell you how excited I was about the possibilities. In fact, if I showed you my sketchbook, you would see that many of the cards, wedding favours and other projects were all ready to go from colour, to layout, right down to the embellishments. So yes, while it was a bit of work putting together all theses goodies to share with you, most of the leg work was done while I was awaiting the arrival of my stamps.

As a final project I wanted to share a special CD album. This is SOOO simple you are going to squeal.

Since many people record their weddings digitally (videos and photos), I thought that an ideal gift for the wedding attendants and your family members would be this sweet CD album that not only holds your wedding video and photos but also a thank you card from the couple.

Step 1
I used this wonderful CD folder (I purchased it online but have forgotten where. I will have to find the link for you)

And stamped the 3/4 of the front (you could stamp front and back if you have the time *wink*) The surface is glossy so I decided that 3/4 would give the look I was going for without having to worry about the stamp sliding too much.
Tip: If you are troubled by glossy surfaces adhere a piece of cardstock to the front instead.

Step 2
Next I stamped my CD. This is a project you want to do and set aside for a while so that it can dry.

This is what it looked like when I was finished. You can add a date and your name to the CD for a nice touch too.

Step 3
Create a card base of 5x5 and stamp the oval image in the centre (then cut it out) and stamp other images around the card too. I added some primas and a pearl to finish off the card and of course the photo too--hard to believe that was taken 8 years ago--ahh to be that young again.

Tip: Mask off the oval image (stamp part of the image on a scrap piece of paper or sticky note) and place it over top before stamping the flourished square.

Here is what the finished project looks like on the inside. I would also add a photo the wedding attendant, friend, family member etc that attended the wedding on the blank canvas where the CD tucks in. I unfortunately already gave those photos away 8 years ago so I don't have one to show you. Of course you could also stamp it too!

Here is what it looks like on the outside.

Now, for the prize would you like to receive a Wedding Day stamp set from me? All you need to do is leave me a note and let me know you dropped by. The draw time is 8:30 PST tonight! Make sure you spread the word because there isn't much time left.