Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's Wednesday...

so that means more Paper Pretties challenges! A few weeks ago Joanne issued a tough challenge--she named it the scary challenge. We had to conquer something we were afraid of. She gave us a few examples of things we could do...including using a stamp set we haven't inked up or paper we don't like etc. I thought and I thought...just had no idea what I could do because I like my stuff *lol*...and as I was going through my files I found an image I coloured this past summer and then just left. I seriously had this image on my desk for almost 2 weeks and then eventually it made it to the file. Months later...I receive this challenge and now I am FORCED to do something with it *lol*.
Here is my challenge card, using one of my fav SU! sets...I just love moving cards because it means new beginnings. This card is going to my DT friend Julie Masse.


paper: Crate Paper DP, Whisper White (SU!), Basic Black (SU!), Not Quite Navy (SU!)
ink: Basic Black (SU!)
stamp set(s): Right At Home (SU!)
accessories: Stampin' Write Markers (SU!), Scalloped Circle (Marvy), Circle Punch (SU!), Misc Ribbon

Note: This card is 4.25x4.25

Make sure you stop by the other prettie girls' blogs to see even MORE scary cards...that's pretty fitting for Halloween too *lol* Make sure to check out what the other Prettie Girls Christie, Charmaine, Jillian, Joanne, Julie C., Julie M., and Kristine have created.

This is the RAK I received from Kristine Reynolds. She told me she received the stamp as a gift and this is the first time she has inked it up.

Ok now with some even MORE exciting news. Kim Hughes has a second release just around the corner and I have some sneak peaks for you this week using the most BEAUTIFUL set.

paper: Prism Paper: Razzleberry Light, Medium and Dark, Suede Brown Dark, Whisper White (SU!)
ink: Expresso (Ranger), White Craft Ink, Rose Red (SU!)
stamp set(s): Silhouette Blooms (Kim Hughes, CHF), Petite Pattern Backgrounder (CHF)
accessories: Rose Red Stampin' Write Marker

That is all the fun today...can hardly wait to show you some more of Kim's set. It's another must have!!!!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Stamping in your Jammies!

I had a super time stamping in my jammies (at 5PM *lol*) yesterday and sharing my deisgns over at Paper Pretties. One of the challenges was to create a card using a sketch that Christie provided. We had an hour to complete and post our project. Usually I can manage but my kids like to eat around 5PM so you should have seen me running around trying to complete a challenge and get the kids fed--not to mention get food ready for our guests.

paper: Crate Paper DP, Very Vanilla (SU!), Basic Black (SU!), River Rock (SU!)
ink: Briallance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Expectafellabella (Stamping Bella OR Oct Subscription Box Paper Pretties)Faux Ribbon (Papertrey Ink)
accessories: Scalloped Circle Punch (Marvy) Circle Punch (SU!), Stitched Ribbon (Misc), Copic Markers

Have a terrific day.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Monday, October 29, 2007


I can hardly wait for Stamping in Your Jammies tonight at Paper Pretties! I am ready for a challenge...or should I say 3 challenges. In the meantime, I wanted to share this sweet card with you. The expectafellabella stamp is available in the October Paper Pretties box. I had such a fun time creating cards for our members gallery...that I thought I might share one with you too. If you are a paper pretties subscriber you can be the first to check out the 3 cards right away...if you are not, I will be sure to post them on my blog some time in November so you can see them too.

All items listed available in the October Bella card kit unless otherwise noted.

paper: Bazzill Horizon, Crate Paper Baby Bee Pollen, Crate Paper Baby Bee Little One, US Vanilla
stamp set(s): Expectafellabella (Stamping Bella or available through Paper Pretties) Faux Ribbon (Papertrey Ink), Oval Stamp (A*Muse)
accessories: Orange Bella Baubles, Primas, Corner Rounder (SU!), Copic Ciao Markers (purchased through MFT)

I have some project deadlines coming up at the end of the month (yes like 2 days away) and after that I will have some times to play with some of Asela's stamps as well as some SU! stamps too. I can hardly wait *smiles*

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Just a reminder....CHF Referral Program

I have posted this before but want to remind you about this great program since the first draw date is November 1st!

Have you heard of the CHF Referral Program?

Have you created with CHF stamps and uploaded to an online gallery, album or blog in the past month? Did you include stamp credit info with a link to Cornish Heritage Farms? If so, you are eligible to be part of the new CHF Online Referral Program! Each time you upload a creation using stamps by Cornish Heritage Farms and include stamp credits with an active link to simply send a link to your creation to to be entered in a monthly drawing for one of three FREE GIFT CERTIFICATES! Please read on for all the specifics.

· Emails need to include a direct link to the project you have uploaded in the previous month.

· Emails with general links to galleries, albums or blogs will not qualify as our time is limited and we cannot search through pages of entries to see which upload uses CHF images.

· Each email must include your name, your address, your phone number and your email address of where to send the gift certificate. We will keep this information in the strictest confidence.

There will be three (3) FREE GIFT CERTIFICATES in the comparative amounts of $25.00, $15.00 and $10.00 given away each month on the 1st business day of the month.

First giveaway will be November 1st, 2007.


1) Gift certificates will expire thirty days from date of issue.
Orders totaling less than $35.00 are still subject to S&H fees as outlined on the CHF website. Orders over $35.00 always ship free within the USA. Sorry this does not apply to international orders.

2) There is no limit of times you may enter the CHF Online Referral Program in any one month but each entry must be a separate gallery, album or blog upload and must include a live link to

3) Should you have any questions about the CHF Online Referral Program please email them to and Liz and Richard will do their best to answer all of your questions in a timely manner.

What are you waiting for??? Start sending those links in and get creating with CHF so you can earn free product!!!! Who doesn't like FREE stuff?

Because I love to stamp and you do too!


A Christmas Couple

It has been a long past few days. I have lots of projects on the go and a working DH! The kids will thoroughly enjoy an outing tomorrow to burn off some energy. Despite the busy times I still managed to get a card ready! Actually I finished 4 today but I can only share one with you *lol* This is another 5 minute card. I have to say it looks WAY better in person than through this photo. Somehow the colours just don't look as rich.


paper: real red, whisper white (SU!)
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Wordsworth Stick People (Rubber Soul/Wordsworth), Many Merry Messages (SU!)
accessories: Copic Ciao Markers

Don't forget Christie's fab Halloween offer at Paper Pretties . She is going to waive the membership fee ($7.50) for anyone who subscribes to a Paper Pretties Package between October 25th through to the 31st. Run right over and sign up - with even more great subscriptions to choose from: Bellas, My Favorite Things, Copics and Nestabilities too!

Have a super Sunday.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Some witchy inspiration...

As if I wasn't in the middle enough cards today that I had to do this challenge too *lol*! Ah what is life without a little fun?

Today's inspiration challenge over at SCS was rather interesting. Since I am not a Halloween person my first instinct was to run away and forget the challenge. But a challenge isn't a challenge without a you know I had to take it on.

this was the art inspiration:

this is the product of inspiration....

Paper: Kraft (SU!), Ruby Red (SU!), Summer Sun (SU!), Whisper White (SU!), Basic Black (SU!)
Ink: Ruby Red Craft (SU!), Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
Stamp Set(s): Witchybella (Stamping Bella), Happy Haunting (A*Muse), Cracked Montana Earth Background (CHF)
Accessories: Ticket Corner Punch (SU!), Charms (Making Memories), Misc Twine, Copic Markers, Marvy Circle Punch

I have lots more cards to make and share and can hardly wait to participate in the members SIYJ (stamping in your jammies) night this weekend over at Paper Pretties

Have a super weekend.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Random Facts Tag

I am not sure why but 3 days ago I couldn't upload a single thing on blogger! I had 3 silly posts (those tag posts to upload). After completing 2 and getting them ready to upload they just disappeared! I am sorry if you tagged me I was diligently following through but would rather focus my time on stamping than posting again. I hope you understand.
This morning I received an anonymous tag for 7 random facts. So here is my quick reveal.

1. I have lived in 7 areas in BC and 2 areas in Quebec (for a short period of time!)
2. I was the only girl in my K class for 5 months.
3. I check the post office at least 2 times a day for mail *lol*
4. I had pleurisy (water on the lining of the lung) 4 years was BRUTAL!
5. I traveled to Europe for a month when I was 16. I visited: France, Spain, Holland, Luxembourg, and Belgium. We did a whole lot of driving and I can still smell the olives on the trees in Spain to this day! A funny thing happened in Spain. I used to hate olives but because of siesta the dinner hour was changed and we were so hungry (couldn't wait to eat at 7!) that I just ate olives and now I love them!
6. I had Postpartum Depression after my second child was born. Now I use what I learned through my experience to help educate others.
7. My childhood dog bit me in the face when I was 3 (apparently I was teasing the dog with a cookie). I have a scar above my lip and on my lip.

If you want to play too consider yourself tagged!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Happy Wedding Day?

Gotta love weddings! I have been thinking about weddings lately...thinking about what makes them special, what makes them stand out and it makes me smile...because I wouldn't change my day for a minute...well maybe a few things *wink* I am still LOVING these sweet stick people!

paper: Grey, Whisper White, Basic Black (SU!), Pebbles Inc DP
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Happy Wedding Day (A*Muse), Wordsworth Stick People (Rubber Soul/Wordsworth)
accessories: Misc Ribbon, Copic Ciao Markers

I sure hope someone is getting married soon. I need to give this card to someone! Anyone???

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

oh the fun!

I want to start today by thanking each of you for visiting my blog. I really appreciate your comments and friendship. It still amazes me how many friendships I have developed through blog-land.
I am really excited about the months to come. I have so much to share from stamping to CHA! With a few surprises in between *lol* Oh and Yes I am already looking at February on my calendar. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes at my home and I can truly say that you inspire me to keep pushing the boundaries~thank you.

A few tidbits before I post my cards for today.

1) I know many of you are SU! fans. And I just want to thank you for hanging in. I promise to play a little more with my SU! stamps very soon. They have taken a back seat because I have a bunch of new stamps and supplies coming through the door weekly and frankly it is hard to even find them on the shelf right now *lol*. But alas, those western stamps are calling my name again.

2) EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!! Check out Paper Pretties Happy Halloween Hoorah! Your membership fee will be waived if you subscribe to a new box between the 25th and 31st of October. Now THAT is a deal. What are you waiting for?? RUN RUN! *smiles*

On that note...

paper: 7 gypsies DP, Basic Black, Whisper White
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Retail Therapy (Stamping Bella), Wordsworth Stick People (Wordsworth/Rubber Soul)
accessories: Ticket Corner Punch (SU!), Oval Punch (SU!), Black Brad, Copic Ciao Markers, Polka Dot Ribbon (Misc)

paper: Prism Paper
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Pretty Birds (Kim Hughes/CHF)
accessories: Corner Rounder (EK Success), Gloss (Ranger), Heart Embellishment (Making Memories), Spool Ribbon, Copic Ciao Markers, Stapler

Almost forgot (shame on me!), Jillian Winters, my Prettie Girl DT friend send met he most GORGEOUS card using yesterday's bouncing brayer technique. If you did the rounds yesterday you'll note that she posted it on her blog but if not WOWZA...hang on to your seat.

Isn't her card just the prettiest thing you have ever seen? And it uses one of my all time fav SU! stamp sets too.

Hope you are having a SUPER day!!! Please don't be shy, I would LOVE to hear from you today. Make sure you stop by Julie Campbell's blog and wish her a HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wednesday Prettie Girls Challenge

It's Wednesday again so you know what that means....another Paper Pretties challenge. A few weeks ago Charmaine issued a technique challenge called bouncing brayer. All I can say is THAT was a BIG challenge. I have never attempted that technique before and all I can say is...I don't think I will again *lol* Ok...maybe I will...I have to one up this card because all I want to do is hid it *LOL*. See even I am willing to share my trials and tribulations with you--we all have to start somewhere.

paper: basic black, basic grey, whisper white (SU!)
Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Pregabella (Stamping Bella), Congratulations
accessories: Polka Dot Ribbon (American Crafts), Primas, Rhinestone (SU!), Copic Markers,

As I mentioned last week, these challenges have really built our team and brought us closer together. I just love how we work on a common goal because it keeps us designing and pushing the boundaries. We will be challenging each other again today with a new challenge and this weekend during another SIYJ (Stamping In Your Jammies) night over at the Paper Pretties forum. We can hardly wait and look forward to playing with all of the card box subscribers!

Make sure to check out what the other Prettie Girls Christie, Charmaine, Jillian, Joanne, Julie C., Julie M., and Kristine have created.

I will keep you posted on the next challenge as I am posting this a little earlier than the other girls *smiles*

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Birdhouse and the Beach

Here are a few of my recent cards...

LOVE this sweet Kim Hughes (CHF) birdhouse and couldn't resist the key with the sentiment.


paper: Prism Paper, Cosmo Cricket DP
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Pretty Birds (Kim Hughes--CHF)
accessories: Scalloped Punch (Marvy), Copic Ciao Markers, Ribbon (Misc) Key (Dollar Giant bin), Paper Piercer

Ok so now you are probably getting tired of the stick people but I'm not!

paper: Whisper White, Blue Bayou, Scenic Route DP
ink:Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s)'s your day (A*Muse)
accessories: Copic Ciao Markers, Misc Polka Dot Ribbon, Circle Punch

Have a super day.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sweet and Sassy!

Here is another one of the cards I made the other day. Just love this sweet and sassy couple. I decided to keep this card "sweet" and simple! Another 5 minute card using those Wordsworth Stick People!

paper: Chocolate Chip, Whisper White, Regal Rose (SU!)
Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Wordworth Stick People (Wordsworth/Rubber Soul)
accessories: Sweet and Sassy Ribbon (Heidi Swapp), White Gel Pen (Sakura), Copic Ciao Markers, Paper Piercer, Corner Rounder (SU!), Coluzzle

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I have been busy busy busy working on all sorts of stuff. Can hardly wait to share all the fun things to come. Gotta love rubber, ink and paper *smiles*

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Sunday, October 21, 2007



I just couldn't resist!

paper: Cosmo Cricket DP, Sage Shadow, Chocolate Chip, Whisper White
Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko), Chocolate Chip (SU!)
stamp set(s): Howdy Girl (Wordsworth Stick People), Karen Foster Snap Stamps 1/4
accessories: Brown Buttons (MME), Misc Ribbon, Word Window Punch (SU!) , Hole Punch (Fiskars), Slit Punch (SU!), Sponge, Copic Markers

I am SOOOO loving these stick people.

Have a super day.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

An update and some cards!

Did you miss me? Well I certainly missed posting. We have had an eventful last few days and the start of this post is going to be rather educational, so you may want to skip it if you don't want to read it.

Have you ever been blind all of a sudden? Have you ever lost your ability to speak? Have your muscles been so weak that you have no fine motor control or motor control period? Chances are you may be suffering from a migraine. Yes, even without initial head pain. My poor DH suffered his very first migraine. Ironically, I experienced the EXACT same list of symptoms (add a severe headache to the list above) this past year. Go figure!? I am sharing this not to bore you but to educate you. Both DH and I thought we were suffering from something else each time (stroke, aneurysm?). I ended up in Emerg this summer while DH went to the walk in clinic. Migraines are very scary things! Bless all of you who have suffered or who suffer through them. I have had 4 to date and hope I never have another again.

The long of the short is I missed my post yesterday because I was helping DH. Then today I was busy helping him celebrate his birthday and making a few new cards! The kids (along with me of course) each presented him with a handmade/hand drawn card this morning. I will have you know my lil' princess insisted on wearing a pretty dress "for the party" and promptly asked are we getting goodie bags too? Out of the mouth of babes!

DD (dear daughter) and DH (dear husband)

DS (dear son) DH

As promised, here is my card using Asela's snowman! He is SOOO cute (like my husband above *wink*).


paper: Prism Paper, DP (SU!)
Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Snowman and cardinal
accessories: Striped Spool Ribbon, Copic Markers, Tab Punch (SU!)

Yesterday I received this YUMMY card from the beautiful and talented Julie Campbell, my Prettie Girl Teammate over at Paper Pretties! (I actually card lifted this from her site so that it had her watermark on it)
Isn't it pretty?????

Included inside were some of the Wordsworth Stick People I LOVE these stick people. They are sooo easy to colour and I just love their fun nature!
I had asked Julie to stamp some of the images for me (after all she is on the Rubber Soul Team)--thank you Julie!!!!
I certainly plan to buy them ALL but a girl can only buy so many stamps at once! Besides, I am waiting for Christie to have them in stock at the Corner Store *wink wink !*

paper: chocolate chip, ruby red, whisper white, kraft, blue bayou (SU!), Misc DP
Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Stick Pie Lady (Wordsworth Stick People) Anyone know the official name? I can't find it on the site. Thanks a Bunch (A*Muse)
accessories: Double Stitched Ribbon (SU!), Copic Markers, Circle Punch (SU!), Scallop Punch (Marvy)

I have MANY more Rubber Soul cards to share. Would you believe I completed 7 today? They truly are quick cards.

Have a super weekend...stamp lots!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Another peak...

Here is another peak using "Baby It's Cold Outside" the MFT set featured in the November Paper Pretties subscription box! Don't forget, this set has not yet been released but will be released December 1st through MFT.

Close up of the snowflake coloured with COPICS!

paper: Whisper White, Night of Navy, Bashful Blue (SU!)
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko), Whisper White (SU!)
stamp set(s): Baby It's Cold Outside (MFT, available through the November Paper Pretties subscription or through MFT Dec 1st/Paper Pretties)
accessories: Corner Rounder (SU!), Polka Dot Ribbon (May Arts), Grosgrain Ribbon (Misc), Striped Ribbon (SU!) Cuttlebug (Provo Craft), Tiny Bubbles Embossing Folder (Provo Craft), (Clear Snowflake) Heidi Swapp, Copic Ciao Markers, Gemstones, Dimensionals

Note: Card size is 7.5x4.25 (odd I just worked!)

Stay tuned for more Kim Hughes and Asela images tomorrow or take a sneak peak in the CHF gallery...where I post my projects first!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Prettie Girl Wednesday Challenge

Every week the Prettie Girls on the Paper Pretties design team are assigned a new challenge. We have a week to complete the project and then we have to mail it to the next Prettie Girl on the list. A few weeks ago I jumped in and assigned a colour challenge using some of my FAV SU! colours: kraft, whisper white, chocolate chip and skye blue (they could substitute SU! colours with the closest colours from another company). This is the card I came up with for my friend and design buddy Charmaine!

paper: kraft, whisper white, chocolate chip, skye blue (SU!)
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Baby it's Cold Outside (MFT stamp Not Yet Released available only through Paper Pretties November Subscription box or MFT Dec 1st)
accessories: Polka Dot Ribbon (May Arts), Ticket Corner Punch (SU!)

Note: This card is 4.25x4.25

Having these challenges has really built our team and brought us closer together. We work to reach a common goal and it keeps us designing and pushing the boundaries (you should see TODAY's challenge *lol*...see below). The more we talked about it the more we realized we needed to make this a common thread on Wednesdays on our blogs. Not only that we've decided that we will include you in the challenges too. So every Wednesday we'll share what we made the week before and tell you what the next challenge is. We look forward to you playing along too! If you do decide to play, make sure you post a link back to my blog so I can see your marvelous creations! I may even have a prize for your participation (I'll do a draw through the random generator).
Make sure to check out what the other Prettie Girls Christie, Charmaine, Jillian, Joanne, Julie C., Julie M., and Kristine have created. Today is Joanne's turn to issue a challenge:

The Challenge:
Find something in your collection that is out of your traditional style, either stamps that you have but don't use, or paper you haven't yet been brave enough to use, or a color ink pad that you own, but don't use.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

A Christmas Tree and an Owl a la CHF!

Cornish Heritage Farms is just blowing me away with the latest creations from Kim Hughes, Asela and Thomas Kinkade.
Late last week I received some of Asela's collection and trust me when I say I have more coming. I seriously cannot resist a cute snowman! Have you been by CHF to see Asela's 2007 Christmas Images? The collection includes some snowmen, reindeer, Christmas tree and penguins! They are PERFECT for winter cards.
These sweet lil' designs were released last week and are available for purchase at Cornish Heritage Farms. The Fresh Face Design Team has been busy designing some incredible cards for your viewing pleasure in the CHF Gallery.

So now that I have worked you up to see a snowman I am going to show you Asela's tree instead *lol* and save the cute snowman until tomorrow. I am also a sucker for Christmas trees and just adore this fun design.

paper: DP (SU!), Kraft, Whisper White, Very Vanilla (SU!)
Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s):Christmas Tree (by Asela available through CHF)
accessories: Copic Ciao Markers, Reindeer Ribbon (Misc), Gemstones

I have had so much fun stamping the last few days that I have an overabundance of cards to share. One of my FAVS is this Kim Hughes owl stamp from the Pretty Birds release.
I just love this DP and knew it had owl or bird written all over it when I purchased it 4 months ago!

paper: Scenic Route DP, Prism Papers
Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Pretty Birds (by Kim Hughes available at CHF)
accessories: Scalloped Punch (SU!), Circle Punch (EK success), Copic Ciao Markers, Ribbon (Misc)

Hope you enjoyed those cards. Have a stampy day!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Sneak Peak...

of a FAB lil' MFT set that will be featured in the November Paper Pretties subscription box! Isn't it cute? Although this set has NOT YET BEEN RELEASED (not shouting i promise just making it bold and clear), I just love that the Paper Pretties subscribers have the to chance to own this set before they are available anywhere else. Now that is a perk! This set is called "Baby it's Cold Outside" and iit has the cutest little snowflakes and accessories. Stay tuned this week for some more sneak peaks using this set.

paper: Whisper White (SU!), Ballet Blue (SU!), Cool Carribean (SU!)
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Baby it's Cold Outside (MFT stamp Not Yet Released available only through Paper Pretties November Subscription box or MFT Dec 1st)

accessories: Corner Rounder (SU!), Gingham Ribbon (AAM), Copic Ciaos

I may be sharing a few more cards each day this week because I seem to have an overabundance of them *lol* so make sure you stop by to see these fun creations from CHF (Asela's *NEW* CUTE designs along with more Kim Hughes) Paper Pretties boxes, and Papertrey Ink! I may throw in a few A*Muse images too...I picked a few up on my last trip out to the city!

Have a super stampy day. I would love to hear what you fav new set is these days. There are lots of good ones out there.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Papertrey Ink and some fun!

OMGosh wasn't the Papertrey Ink party fun? It was such a pleasure meeting all of you in the forums and thank you so much for your kind words too. As you know I ADORE Nichole's work. She is such a source of inspiration and I love how she really "thinks" about her stamp sets before making them--like making them coordinate with product that we already own or have on our wish lists (BRILLIANT really!).
Have you purchased your new sets yet? Snowflake Serenade is so beautiful. I love the greetings and the elegant beauty of all those snowflakes. Seriously can a girl have enough snowflakes? And of course a girl can have her Piece of Cake and eat it too right? *smiles* Can hardly wait until they arrive.

Okay, so truth be told, behind EVERY card there is a creative MESS:

Yes that is right folks. Neat freak Alli is really a complete SLOB when it comes to crafting. I just clean it up before others can see it *lol* Oh I know there are more of you out there! It's a good thing, otherwise I might be feeling a little lonely right now. *wink* You should see me shaking my head at myself for admitting this to you *lol* Hey, nobody is perfect!

The other day I had 5 minutes...okay a little longer...but five minutes to make a card. Anyways I threw this together in 5 minutes and I think it took me about 10 minutes to clean up my mess. See even 5 minutes of free time can = a card. You can do it too!

paper: Whisper white, Chocolate chip (SU!)
Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Changito Swing and Hang in there (Stampendous purchased through Paper Pretties)
accessories: Scalloped Square Punches (Marvy), Copic Ciao Markers, Gingham Ribbon (AAM), Corner Rounder Punch (SU!)

If you missed my post below make sure you check it out. All you need to do to become a member of the club is sign up on the Paper Pretties website. The club membership is 6 months.

Don't forget to check out SCS for the Fan Club reveal! I just LOVE the 15th of the month...Papertrey Releases, MFT sneak peaks and Fan Club reveals. A stampers heaven!

Note: Just in case you didn't know (I am sure you do!) if you see a highlighted word you can click on it for a direct link.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

ENABLER: Need some Nestabilities or Copics????

Okay ladies and gents!!! I SOOOO hear you on these products. They are awesome but who on earth can afford to pay for them up front? Well Christie Ortman over a Paper Pretties has come up with a solution that is just too good to pass up. I ADORE my Copics and use them for many prjects. While they take a little getting used to they are a FAB investment. Although I don't currently have the Nestabilities, I have them on order.

Have you been drooling over the Copics and Nestabilities but can't afford to buy them? Here's a solution that you may find easier on the pocket book!
Paper Pretties is pleased to introduce

our new Copic Color Club

and our Nestabilities Now Club.

This is how it works: The subscription is the same as for the card class packages but all you will receive is either the Copics or the Nestabilities. Each month, you will receive 6 Copic sketch markers or 1 set of nestabilities.

The cost for the Copic Color Club is $36.00 per month (shipping included). The cost for the Nestabilities Now club is $30.00 per month (shipping included).


As an added bonus, each month in the member's only gallery, one of our very talented design team members will post a project using the Copics and the Nestabilities to inspire you. You will of course receive all of the other member's benefits as well! In addition, if you are already a member of Paper Pretties receiving a card class subscription, we will ship the packages together to save you $6.00 on shipping.

Interested? Excited? Can't wait another minute to join? Click here

Don't forget to tell Christie who sent you :)

One last note, Christie just announced that Joanne Basile has joined the Prettie Girls. We have been working with Joanne for the last few weeks and she is WONDERFUL! Make sure you stop by her blog and see what this talented lady can do!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Birdie a la Kim Hughes

As you know I am a teacher. I have been SOOO busy putting together student learning plans for my students. I am nearly there--the deadline is Monday!!! 25 students = over 1000 boxes of information! Ugh! It has been tedious but I can hardly tell you how great it feels to know that I have nearly accomplished this huge task.

After Monday things should settle down in the teaching department until report card day *lol* That's late next month! That means MORE stamping for me and I am super excited. I have really missed my hours of stamping.

Of course I did manage to get a card ready for you today using yet another one of those CUTE Kim Hughes stamps.

Prism Papers
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko)
stamp set(s): Pretty Birds (Kim Hughes available at CHF)
accessories: Copic Ciao Markers, Corner Rounder (SU!), Scalloped Circle Punch (Marvy), Dimensionals (SU!), 1/8 inch circle punch (Fiskars), Paper Frills (Doodlebug)

and as promised some photos from my trip

Here is a photo of my best friend and I. We have known each other since grade 1 and been best friends since grade 3!

Dh and I stayed at Bear Mountain (just gorgeous!)

It's a good place to golf if you like that sort of thing *lol*---I am NO golfer!

Dh took a photo of me outside our room! That stone in the background is GORGEOUS (notice how I directed you away from me *lol*)

Hope you are having a terrific Sunday.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Please claim your scraps!

I have contacted all those receiving DP.

Can the following people please e-mail me their snail mail for paper scraps:

Stephanie W.
Lana B.

Also refeek
Although were the fourth person to contact me, I will gladly seperate some of my SU! paper just for you *smiles*!

Thanks everyone!!!

Because I love to stamp and so do you!

Hello out there!

Hello everyone! I have missed you ALL!!!!!!! It seems like an eternity since I last posted and I can't tell you how happy I am to be back. My trip away was amazing and I have a few photos that I plan to share with you but first...the random generator chose number 57! Congrats goes out to Andrea Hays who said
I love black, pink and teal these days. I am just drawn to those colors. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway. I love seeing people's color choices...I always get so inspired!
Andrea please contact me with your snail mail addy so that I can get your goodies out first thing on Monday morning.

Oh that was fun! I just love giveaways. I was actually looking at my DP scrap stash the other day and wondered if there was somebody out there who may not have many (or none *gasp*) who would like to give my scraps a home I would be more than delighted to send them your way. I plan to do that every once in a while because seriously when on earth am I going to use them all? The first 3 people that contact me asking for DP scraps will receive a care package a la Alli!
EDITED TO ADD: Thank you for your interest I will be contacting the first three people who either e-mailed me or posted to my blog. I am so delighted the scraps have found a home!

I can see that I am quite chatting today *lol* I have so much I want to share. I think it is called blog deprived...anyways there is a gal that I just adore...her name is Kristina Werner. I know I have mentioned her before but if you haven't visited her blog lately you just HAVE to see her cute 2:58 minute video on how to make a card. Isn't that fun??? I love the moment the music stops and she says "Don't you love the smell of StazOn?...It smells like almond extract?" I know what she means and NO I don't like it *lol* but that is because I don't like the smell of almonds.

Okay, enough chit chat...and onto a card.

I am truly honoured to be working with Kim Hughes, talented stamp designer and papercrafter. As many of you know I have been anxiously arriving my Pretty Birds set and while I was away what do you think arrived? You guessed it. I had a great time playing with this set and cannot wait to play some more.

Open Card

Closed Card

paper: Prism Papers
ink: Brillance Graphite Black (Tsukineko), Whisper White (SU!)
stamp set(s): Pretty Birds (Kim Hughes available at CHF)
accessories: Copic Ciao Markers, Corner Rounder (SU!)

Ok and now for some fun I am picking up a few pumpkins for the kids...I don't have a close up of me in colour only black and white...and being in a sea of pumpkins in black and white just isn't the same!

Have a wonderful weekend. I have lots more photos and projects to share in the next few days so stay tuned!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Blog Candy 130000+

I am so delighted to be able to offer you some of my favourite things!

You will receive this FAB set from CHF made by Marieke
Baubles by Bella
A $1 stamp from M's
Sakura Gelly Roll (real sparkly!)
Glue Pen (I LOVE this!!!!)
3 rolls of Basic Grey Ribbon
Misc sheets of Basic Grey 6x6 DP (who doesn't like Basic Grey?)

Sorry for the quality of this photo but I was in a rush before I left. This is an AWESOME combo and would be delighted to send you all this blog candy! In order to enter this blog candy, please share your fav colour combo (3 colour minimum). The draw will take place Friday October 12th, 2007 around midnight PST! The winner will be announced on Saturday!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Peaceful Tree...

We had a wonderful (early) Thanksgiving dinner last night with friends and much fun that I spent the day preparing for our guests as well as preparing the meal. I always forget how much time it takes to get organized for a big dinner. I should know because we almost always have friends or family over at our place every year.

Here are some fun lil' memories from today...sorry no turkey pics...totally forgot!

Some laughing pumpkins...

My MIL makes the BEST pies!

Cranberry juice, orange juice and sprite punch with cranberries and ice cubes....mmmm

And now the long awaited card I promised for yesterday *lol*

paper: Holly Collection Stocking DP and Holly Collection Ornament DP (Crate Paper), Whisper White
ink: Jet Black StazOn
stamp set(s): Believe (Papertrey Ink)
accessories: Copic Ciao Markers, Corner Rounder (SU!), Misc Ribbon

I will be away for a few days so you won't see a new card posted until Friday BUT please check back because I have some LOOT I would like to share with you.'s blog candy time again...celebrating 130000. Seems like it was only yesterday I was celebrating 100000.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

A quick note...

I just finished uploading my entire collection of cards (minus two or three) using Papertrey Ink stamps in the Papertrey Ink Gallery. Let me tell you that won't be the last time I upload them either *wink*
If you are a die hard Papertrey Ink fan like me, then THIS is the place to visit. I encourage you to upload your samples too. It would be really nice to see the gallery grow and fill will all those delicious Papertrey Ink images.
It took me close to 3 hours to upload and label all my cards (39 I believe), but now that I have my gallery established, my card uploads should only take a minute or two. You can find me under most of the stamp set albums or do a keyword search under Alli Miles.
I am too tired now to do any more uploads but stay tuned for a new card...Papertrey style, later today.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends. We are having turkey tonight!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

P.S. Did you check out my newest Papertrey Ink card below? I just ADORE that Santa!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

World Cardmaking Day

On world cardmaking day it only makes sense that I make a card! I started with this card last night along with some others cards (which I will reveal mid month) and finally had the chance to complete them this morning. I have been meaning to post all day but my DH just came home after a week away so needless to say my post got put on the back burner. My card "started" with Beate's Weekend Sketch Challenge


paper: RealRed, Whisper White, Barely Banana, Scenic Route dp
ink: Black StazOn, Basic Black
stamp set(s): Believe (Papertrey Ink)
accessories: Velvet Ribbon (purchased at Paper Pretties), Corner Rounder (SU!), Coluzzle

Just a reminder that Christie Ortman, owner of Paper Pretties, is offering you a 25% discount on one regularly priced item in the store in honour of Thanksgiving (Canada)!
Paper Pretties members will receive 35% off because, as members, they are already entitled to receive 10% off all of their purchases through the store. Make sure you head on over and check it out before supplies sell out!!!!

For those of you who don't know, Christie offers FUN in a box. Similar to a "scrapbook kit in a box" club, Christie offers a "card kit in a box". What I LOVE about these kits is that you receive the latest and greatest products on the market. In addition, Christie has teamed up with Kim from MFT and Em from Stamping Bella to bring you some of the most popular stamps on the market. You can subscribe and receive a kit complete with stamps, paper, and embellishments which will arrive at your door every month! What's even more exciting is that some of the stamps can ONLY be obtained through the subscription boxes! Doesn't that sound exciting? Make sure you check out the subscription details! FYI, December's Bella package includes non other than Snowbunnybella, inspired by Christie and created by Em!

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Friday, October 5, 2007

She's a shoe gal!

I just received some goodies from Christie at PaperPretties. I was so delighted to FINALLY be playing with Rubber Romance! I have seen so many beautiful cards using RR images. This RR image was very large so it is mounted on a 5.25x5.25 card. Don't forget to take advantage of this weekend's great sale at PaperPretties (read post below).

paper: basic black (SU!), whisper white (SU!), pretty in pink (SU!), soft skye (SU!), Pristine: Floral Quilt DP (Paper Salon purchased at Paperpretties)
ink: jet black stazon
stamp set(s): Vivian (Rubber Romance purchased at Paperpretties)
accessories: corner rounder (SU!), Copic Ciao Markers, circle punches (SU!), hole punch (Fiskars), polka dot ribbon (May Arts purchased at Paperpretties)

Well, Christie Ortman has spilled the beans again and has welcomed the newest Prettie Girl Charmaine Ikach to the team. We are so actually we are THRILLED to have Charmaine on the team. Charmaine is super talented, energetic and just plain old FUN. I have had the pleasure of getting to know her this past week and can hardly wait to start stamping with her on a more frequent basis. Congrats Charmaine and welcome to the Prettie team.

To all of my Canadian friends, have a wonderful long weekend; don't eat too much turkey *wink*

Because I love to stamp and you do too!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Lil Afternoon Post and a card

Hello all! I have been eager to post all day but wanted to keep the treasure hunt at the top of the page until it was over. I am so delighted that many of you explored the pages to find the treasure. The grand prize has been announced on the CHF blog and the winners of the mini treasures will be announced very soon. Don't forget, TODAY is the first day you can order the fabulous Kim Hughes Collection.
If you haven't been to the CHF site today I suggest you take a peak. It looks INCREDIBLE! So much more user friendly too--and eye appealing too!

Onto Prettie things....
Thanksgiving (in Canada) is just days away--I can hardly wait for some turkey and a family gathering. In honour of this celebration, Christie Ortman, owner of Paperpretties, is offering you a 25% discount on one regularly priced item in the store Saturday October 6th through Monday October 8th.
Paperpretties members will receive 35% off because as members they are already entitled to receive 10% off all their purchases through the store.

paper: Kraft (SU!), Whisper White (SU!), DP (SU!)
ink: Jet Black StazOn
stamp set(s): Diplomabella (available through Paperpretties and Stamping Bella)
accessories: Striped Ribbon (AAM), Circle Punches (SU!), Silver Brads (SU!), Copic Ciao Markers

I have a new Rubber Romance stamp courtesy of Paperpretties that was just WAITING to be inked! I have to say, I like how it the card turned out. Stay tuned for the reveal tomorrow.

Because I love to stamp and you do too!